Meatloaf, maple bacon Brussel sprouts mac and cheese !! - Dining and Cooking (2024)

American Recipes

June 24, 2024

Meatloaf, maple bacon Brussel sprouts mac and cheese !!

well hello everybody Welcome toy Soul family I hope you guys have had a wonderful and prosperous Sunday uh I know we have uh had a very busy Sunday I will say that we’ve had a pretty busy Sunday doing things taking care of some um chores and things that’s been needed um would you tell Alyssa to come here uh taking care of some chores and things that’s needed to been taken care of I went and visited my parents today um spent some time with them so been kind of busy so I’m I’m running late it was my intention to cook this meal about 6:30 will you go look behind the door uh excuse me for a second guys we look behind my bedroom door uh on my jewelry case and grab me um a pair of my glasses long as it’s not the red pair I don’t care which pair you grab um so um that’s what we’ve been doing we’ve been busy back and forth taking care of things today um so I’m running a little late it’s 8:09 uh it was my int as I was saying just a second ago to cook this meal around um 6 no later than 6:30 but thank you baby but um because I didn’t get back to from my parents till about 5:30 so I was like get myself another hour and then we got to doing other things and one thing led to another with dealing with stuff and I am just now getting around to getting started cooking how you guys doing I see you guys chiming I’m getting my glasses so I can see you all see 248 beautiful people on you guys have jumped on already in the first minute let me see those love Bubbles let me see those hearts rolling y’all are already telling me what y’all are doing you’re greeting me I appreciate it thank you remember to s h a r e this video please uh that is how Facebook um sends us out there as you guys put us out there what is that look y’all know I’m OCD oh that Lord that’s a gray hair Jesus go away here there we go um so y’all come on in big Lo is fishing Tobias just got through taking care of some things outside so he is washing up and he’ll be over here in just a few minutes um hello to our mods Don gger Tracy H walg Graves Tracy Atkins I love you ladies I hope you guys are on Mary Gary Marie Gary first one to throw Stars up I love it thank you so much I really do appreciate that uh so we got let’s do a call to action who we got Laura Harper says hello chrisy how are you this evening Linda Taylor uh Gary Jerry Irvin Elaine Hill Valerie rud hey Miss Val Tina ferson Janelle Armstrong says good evening roxan Cooper good evening Dwight hatch hello chrisy well hello Dwight how are you uh Katrina Gatlin she said sending hugs well virtual hug to you too sister uh so y’all make sure you go and you vote today if you have not voted you go ahead and get your votes in because it is very important that I stay at at the top this round will end on Thursday uh this is the uh group finals and then we’ll move on to um the next round and I will explain that round once we get once we get through this one I’ll try to explain it and go through the next round and the next round and kind of explain how it’s going to work for everybody to understand uh Sandra Archer Brandenburg how are you doing Dorothy F fa Dorothy faon said I voted thank you uh arrey chamble said share thank you Tamisha punkin Turner Wilson hi sister how you doing so I’m not going to waste a bunch of time we’re gonna get right into it because I’m cooking a meatloaf macaroni and cheese doing maple bacon brussels sprouts and some fried cornbread and some um pinto beans which are already cooking over here uh that’s what we’re having for dinner so if I’m gon to get this meal cooking and we eat before 10 o00 I got to get my booty moving thank y’all for coming on in remember to share this video how yall doing Miss Boss Miss Bossy go ahead any Envy time says hi my cooking family how you doing sister how you doing Kim Ferguson Ferguson says I shared thank you so much Janette com all right so here we go everybody so let’s come on down EV y says good evening teny soul food good evening to you as well sweetheart uh kha Arthur says sounds great it is going to be good I am home hungry y’all know meatloaf is one of my favorites I’m going to get this meatloaf together first so I can get it in the oven let it do its thing and then we’re going to get um this macaroni and cheese together we’re going to get uh make the fried cornbread and the Brussels sprouts we’re going to do that we’re going to do all of that how you guys doing come on in all right so tonight for my meatl y’all know I never cook anything the same ever two or three times in a row so um tonight I don’t know how I cooked it last time I don’t remember so tonight we’re going to use uh some lip and onion soup a couple of eggs bell pepper onion um I’ve got some tomato ketchup wash wash the Shire sauce and some breadcrumbs and then whatever seasonings that I decide to throw off in here so how you guys doing what have y’all been doing today uh it is a marvelous Sunday it was very very warm here today I don’t even use the word warm that’s using it Loosely honey uh it was hot it was hot today do y’all hear me when I say it was hot today but I will say it wasn’t too too bad we had a few little scattered um I don’t know if it happened here at the house I know at Mom’s um it actually come down a little um little shower a couple little showers uh when I was uh when we were all at Mom’s today so I don’t know what it did here at the house I don’t I went back and looked at the ring and I don’t remember I didn’t see any rain showers so I don’t think it rained um I think it was today was more of a scattered rain kind of day you know so that is what we’re dealing with so there is my grand how many pounds was that hold on let me look at this package y give me a second y’all bear bear with me please all right so that was 4 pounds so I’m going put a couple eggs because it’s four pounds so we’re going to do two eggs 112 in HT California goodness gracious that don’t even sound that don’t even sound normal like that don’t even sound like that should even be part of anybody’s vocabulary to say 112 Dees anywhere likea boner how you doing she’s speaking to the mod she says hello mods all right so I like to use Italian breadcrumbs now sometimes I will use uh just use light bread and crumble it up but if I’ve got bread crumbs 90% of the time I’m going to use bread crumbs Monica Barney says I love me love honey what you said uh this is one packet and I may need to use two of the lipin onion soup mixture I love ketchup in mine a lot of people do not I personally like ketchup in mine I’m going to put ketchup in it uh 70 today in Chicago oh it was that was beautifully Pleasant nice uh camil Camila how are you doing uh when I do a meatloaf I just kind of fly by the seat of my pants and keep on going it was 117 Wednesday in Phoenix Arizon Lord have mercy that don’t even sound normal look this I’m just going to use the rest of this Lord I need to buy some washer shower sauce I just use the rest of it so let’s put that over here so I don’t forget to order some so I’m going scoot this over to the side and get my cutting board and cut up this onion and this pepper really quick now this is the last pepper we picked out of the garden let me wash it off it’s got a few little it’s got a few little blemishes so we’re going to cut those off I think my favorite knife is dirty no it’s not there’s my favorite knife y’all y’all know I have a favorite knife all right so let’s cut this little bad spot off and let me do something hold on I’m about go ahead and put my macaroni on so it can be cooking I like to use large elbows when I can t them [Music] it’s just for me personally it’s a preference I don’t know why the Sal the water is heavily salted and I just want to ahead and pre-boiled it to get it started so it doesn’t take so long to start cooking just like that right there all right so let that start doing its thing so let’s get this bell pepper cut what y’all have for dinner 111 in Vegas today and it will be 110 the next 4 days those are just some crazy numbers that y’all are throwing on that screen I’m going to tell you that right now that just don’t even sound normal I think I would be ready to I wouldn’t leave my house if the temperature was like that now we do have those kind of temperatures but not every I’m not going to say we have those kind of we have 100 degree temperatures I don’t think I’ve ever seen here and if anybody’s from here you correct me if I’m wrong I don’t recall ever having our temperatures here getting too much over one 103 I think the most we’ve ever had that I can recall is 105 so what y’all talking about is crazy Deborah Ray uh thank you for your love sweetheart thank you so much for your love I appreciate it y’all remember to keep on sharing the video we got 867 beautiful people on we appreciate you guys all being on we love you guys so I did something today and I wasn’t going to share this but I’m y’all know we are we we’re we’re real people over here and I you know when you make a mistake and you a real person and then you can own up to the mistake it makes a real person you know because you know once you can own up you know it’s just one of those things so I made I made a big mistake I’m not gonna say it was a mistake I made a big Hiccup and it’s big to me it may not big big to someone else it was big to me so you know last Sunday was Father’s Day right so I I spoke to my father on Sunday morning you know told him that you know we were doing a few things you know for my kids’s father you know his son-in-law and that I would see him on Monday because they were doing things anyway so I was like well I’ll just catch you on Monday or even Tuesday is that cool and he was like oh yeah that’s fine that’s that’s fine baby uh Daddy I see you whenever you come out here that’s fine so that was the agreement well y’all know I had a rough first couple of days of the week last week where I my palpitation ations were coming back to back and it was not good um Monday and Tuesday for me and I it was my intentions to go out you know to see my parents and I did not make it and let me tell yall something y’all know how I’ve told y I’ve been having brain fogs here recently where I can’t remember like I’ll go to do something and I literally will forget I’m when I say I forget it I mean I really forget it like um it’s really scary cuz I’m like Lord am I getting dementia am I getting Alzheimer’s already um but I I completely after Tuesday I completely forgot that I was going to go that I had told my dad that I was going to come see him right and it had when I say it had 100% sliit my mind it had 100% slit my mind and so to this morning I got up and you know before we went live uh my mom calls my mom calls either I call her or she calls me and this is every day if if we skip a day it’s because we just honestly you know got busy and you know didn’t get around to calling each other but that’s something we we talk every day and so she called and she was on her way home from church and she was like uh what are you doing and I said well I’m sitting here about to you know cleaning up getting ready to go live in a little bit she said okay she said did you forget something now y’all when my mom asked me did I forget something and I can’t remember this is when you start to question yourself because she was like did you forget something and I was like and my brain was like okay her birthday was the first of the month when birthday their anniversary it’s already it ain’t here yet the hell did I forget and I said okay Mom I’m sorry what did I forget she said you really don’t remember and I said no ma’am I said what did I forget she said baby girl you told your daddy you were coming out here Monday or Tuesday she said Wednesday he looked at me and said well I guess she don’t love me oh my God oh my God when she said he said I guess she don’t love me like that they make a big y’all make a big deal over Mother’s Day I guess I didn’t matter that oh my goodness I said Mama no wait I’m sorry she said well you could have just called him I said I forgot how I gonna call to say Daddy I’m sorry I’ll be out there another day I forgot so when we got done with our live I high tailed it all I didn’t even call I didn’t even call I just went out there I I never knock call I wanted to surprise him big time so yeah we we rolled up on him he was very surprised I was Otis I was I was so y’all that I felt so bad though because I don’t normally do stuff like that like it I have in the past you know but not to the level where I completely when I say completely forgot that’s what I said like his gift is was still in the closet and everything and I was like how did I not notice the gift I was like how did I not even notice that I had this gift in my closet that I haven’t even give my dad and I felt so bad I was like oh my God Mom was like what I feel bad and course when I got there he was the same way he was like it’s okay baby he was like you know I was teasing your mama when I said what I said I no no no no no no don’t be teasing like that sir uh that made me feel bad cuz I’m like cuz we made a big deal out of mom’s Mother’s Day me and my sister were out there we you know had balloons and gifts and all this other stuff and you know we was out there to show her love and shower her with love on on Mother’s day and did not do the same thing well she did course I’m I’m going to say my sister yeah she did my sister was right there like she was supposed to be and I did not so I f as the oldest I felt like I failed my father but thank God I have loving parents who understand that life happens and needless to say he loved his gifts uh he was very very very loving of the the gifts that I have picked out for him so that made it even better he said that was he said it he told me he said it was worth the waight that’s what he said he said it was worth the way so I I love you Daddy I love you Daddy if you happen to get a get a chance to see this video I love you Daddy so I just wanted to share my human moment with you guys cuz I know a lot of people when they watch people on social media sometimes they forget that they’re human um that is a real thing that people really honestly do they honestly forget that um content creators are real people and um they’re nasty and they’re mean um for no reason sometimes and they forget that we’re human just like you um you just see us in a different light because of what we do for a living so you know if you wouldn’t be mean and nasty to a person on the street don’t do it on here this is just my way of I I see a lot of not GNA call it cyber bullying but I see y’all I’m almost Lord I’m almost out of Everything Jesus put some uh mint scarc in there too um I see a lot of people who get caught up on social media um and they they’re genuine people and you can see that they’re genuine people but you have some of the nastiest people on on this app this app and all the other apps is just ugly ugly ugly ugly people for no reason at all and it causes them to stop showing you guys the content that you so much love um so that’s just my that’s my little word of encouragement for those who are struggling to do this content creator thing um keep pushing don’t stop don’t let the naysayers and the haters and people who forget that you’re human don’t let them stop you don’t do it um had Moore how you doing sweetheart all right so let’s mix this up and I forgot to add my seasonings hold on I got I’m glad I got a free hand hold on all right little black pepper little more I like my black pepper hold on forgot to add my seasonings before I stuck my big old hand off in there where’s my seasoning salt hold on there we go onehanded baby let’s do it y think I can do it onehanded I got this ah there we go all right little seasoned salt put some garlic powder got our pepper and then we’re going to get this in the oven come on open that’s right de I am a human we’re all human and we have human moments every single day uh so yeah for those of for those of you who tend to be a little nasty sometimes don’t do it cuz you you got a choice you know it’s like this is how I feel about um people who get on other people’s pages right and they’re nasty to to people you know I I watch a lot of other content creators or just even just reals and things like that and sometimes some of the comments that these people make towards a perfect stranger is amazing to me um and I’m like you you you have a choice to keep strolling and I know Everyone’s entitled to their opinions don’t don’t let me take your freedom of speech away don’t let me make it seem like you shouldn’t say what you want to say but at the expense of another person because let me tell you something it takes a it takes a really strong tough skinned person to do what what any content creator does okay okay because you’re putting yourself out there no matter what it is you’re doing I’m when I say no matter what it is you’re doing that’s right keyboard bullies is what I like to call Lisha uh no matter what you’re doing whether you’re cooking uh you’re doing DIY projects um whether you’re giving inspiration or you’re just talking or you’re messy whatever it is you’re doing you’re opening yourself up for people to see you in a light that they would not normally see you right most people they don’t see me and low in our normal sense in our home they don’t you don’t people don’t you don’t get to walk in and see me like this right this isn’t normal this isn’t normal for you to see me cooking this isn’t normal for you to um possibly see me washing dishes or um outside in the garden that’s not something you you that’s it’s like you have a mirror you have a bird’s eye view into a person’s life right so for someone to ridicule you about that I say to that person where’s your video where where are you showing what your life is like when you can muster up the strength and the courage to do it then you come talk to me then you say okay this is how it is that’s when you do it right but until you’ve done it be nice to people pass that along y’all I know most of you guys are great but pass that along to some people because it really it hurts my feelings I mean and I’m just just I’m just being honest I’m I’m one of those people it honestly hurts my feelings when I see someone putting their heart and soul into a real a video a live and you have someone who comes on and says that’s just nasty or that’s just ugly or you don’t know what you’re talking about and you know oh you’re kid is this that and the other you know you don’t have to be nasty you you have an option to stroll on that’s the part that that bothers me is because you have an option to keep moving right you don’t have to be on that person’s video like I’m gonna give y’all an example and I’m on this because it bothers me and I I don’t know what what made me bring it up but because it bothers me I was watching a video I think it was a real the other day and this lady she was responding to you know how you know how you see those reals and you’ll have like a comment in the top corner and it’s them responding to someone who said something negative about them right and what the lady was responding to was someone had made a comment about nobody wants to live in a trailer park or no one no one wants to live in a trailer and watch you cook your kids food now let me explain something y’all does it matter where a person lives her home look just as clean as anybody else’s because it’s a home it doesn’t matter what it looks like it could have been a tent outside it was still her home and that’s where she took care of her kids that’s where she took care of her husband and that just bothered me because they were calling people were calling her trailer trash and she was the cutest little young lady and she was young she was very young and I mean I’m talking about in her early mid 20s young had a whole family and her whole thing was let me show y’all my meals at in in my trailer let’s cook in the trailer or something like that and the negative comments that this young lady received was awful oh my God Kimberly Stewart I see what that that hurt my feelings I’m not even GNA lot of y’all in no way sa for Real Fashion that hurt would you grab me that ketchup down there before you come over here that hurt my because I’m like why did you have to be so mean I I just I guess cuz I’m not a mean person when it comes to that kind of stuff I’m not a mean person at all um I mean I speak my mind if I think something’s wrong but to just be downright mean to a person because of where they live oh my it just y’all y’all just don’t understand that just breaks my heart and it’s just like why you could have just kept strolling yeah Gail Russell they they could have could they have not just kept strolling they they could have kept strolling they didn’t have to be mean and I know a lot of times it’s trolls I I know it is but sometimes it’s real people who are just nasty it’s just some people just so nasty and I just I I don’t know why the Lord put it on my heart I guess to just tell another person and be kind to people because you never know what someone’s going through you know just because someone looks a certain way speaks a certain way does things a certain way that maybe you don’t necessarily what I say agree with doesn’t mean that they deserve for someone to speak ill of them right um so that’s my word of advice today I I don’t know where that come from I don’t know why it was put on my heart to say those things but like I said I watch I I watch re mainly is it’s it happens on a lot of real and there’s also a content creator that I watch that has decided to remove themselves from Facebook because of all of the negativity that they were receiving and when I tell you this person is a beautiful I think this person has a beautiful soul right I think this person is very sweet U Monica Bernie said I’m listening but I’m also looking at that Milo um Kimber you probably know who I’m talking about um and she made the decision to pull her and her family off of Facebook and go to the tubeb now there’s nothing wrong with that but she was probably no I’m not talking about that person no no no that’s not who I’m talking about no no no Yolanda that’s no I’m not speaking about that person at all I don’t I don’t watch them I have nothing against them but I don’t watch them um and she has kids uh she has you know she has a couple dogs in the house she got you know two or three kids I can’t remember how many kids she’s got she two or three kids they Young no young kids got a husband you know she takes people on field trips just like we do she likes to go to Sam’s she likes to go to Costco she likes to go and you know she shows her entire life like you know when she cleans her house she brings y’all you know she brings her audience in and I really like watching her she’s a really sweet lady so when I saw that she was leaving the book and going to the tube I understood it because from what I understood she was having a lot of people um be negative about her children you know what it takes to put your kids on this app or any app tell y’all something this ain’t for the week I was very reserved even with my kids being older I was very very reserved about putting my kids on Facebook I’m not going to lie to you low uh you it’s a mute spice um go out and come on in back Beverly sha uh because I think everybody can hear me well um uh let’s see we pin the link uh well one of our mods if you’re on will y’all grab the link to favorite chef and would you pin it if not I’ll tell you what I got it never mind hold on please I got it I got it ladies that way y’all ain’t gotta find it hold on I got it I think I do Lord um let’s see I sh there there she is there it is post and share 1,200 beautiful people on thank you guys for being on in this comment all right is Pinn to the bottom um and so from what I understood she decided to pull her family it let me tell you something it’s it’s hard I’m Not Gon to lie to y’all you know and y’all see my family and my kids are very well-mannered now that littlest one she has her moments but that’s okay that’s my child okay that’s my kid and for anyone to have anything ill to say towards a child you need help I’m gonna turn it over to my son and get this meatloaf in this oven that’s all I’m gonna say about that is if you have something ill to say about a child I don’t care if they 19 18 17 or five if you have something ill to say about a child you need help and I’m gonna turn it over to my son and let’s get this meatloaf done look that’s been on my heart y’all I’m sorry how’s everybody doing this is Big T here and uh I’m finally here thank you son I appreciate it it took me a little bit to get know what I had going on outside but uh I got it all sorted out and got it finished yes you did thank you sir no problem M you done took a shower you smell good yeah cuz I I you was sweating like a SLE y’all this boy was sweating like a slave I done gave him my my uh neck fan and everything cuz he was sweating let me tell y’all something I’m like boy thank you he don’t had a nose bleed po baby I’m like bless your heart that a open yeah I had I had went back outside to do something and when I did I didn’t even I wasn’t even outside maybe 30 seconds all right me left in the oven yep 400 degrees for about 45 minutes yeah I went outside 30 seconds and all I feel is blood coming out my dang nose oh thing mind you I was outside before I went back out so yeah he got hot yeah I got very hot it’s it’s very very humid outside today it is very very humid all right so now let’s get to cooking some Stacy georgees thank you for the Stars appreciate Stacy all right so let’s get this macaroni together really quick because that’s already boiled and ready to go okay let’s get some uh hold on clean up my M let’s see Cynthia Hill hello to you thank you for hearing my rant for a minute I don’t know where that come from Misha Wilson and lelle Walton thank you for the Stars you guys let’s see theisha Bonner said star party has started oh thank you guys so much yes yes yes yes thank you thank you thank you let’s see vermillon herd said it’s really hot yes it is it’s very hot outside it’s mainly just humid it is it don’t get me wrong it was hot but it’s humid too that’s what got my NE that’s what got my nose bleeding let’s see anetta Pernell said what you say ah missed it let’s see uh who said that right there Rhonda Rhonda aoy thank you for the Stars appreciate than Ronda there we go I was like where is my stuff at Lord I thought I didn’t have no but Joan said love your rent thank you look thank you I I don’t nor y’all know I don’t normally rent that’s normally big L’s job I usually let him do the renting but I don’t know that’s just something that’s always on my heart when it thank you for the thank you miss Karen I swear I’m G to scream okay anyway we’re back let’s finish up uh doing what I was doing all right you go bab yeah I don’t know what happened I don’t I don’t think I touched anything on N you didn’t touch nothing trust me it just it happens it just went to a a totally different screen on Facebook so uh yeah it it happens like I said don’t don’t sweat it it ain’t your fault it happens so uh let’s get back to what mama was doing she was getting ready to prepare the M macaroni and cheese U my pinto beans are cooking I just put the meatloaf in the oven yes she did um I’m going to cook some uh maple bacon brussels sprouts I’ll do that here in just a minute those are gonna be good right there yeah I we a have those in a while that is g and that recipe that I’m using is going to be from uh cooking with the greens oh okay you remember Mr Dereck made those for us when we were down there in Virginia with the wagle steak those were delicious yes they were good I have made them one time since then and I thought you know what it’s time to have a different vegetable cuz I am over broccoli and green beans being that that’s really the only vegetables I eat other than greens and cabbage I’m kind of over all of those so let’s do some brussel sprouts tonight let’s hope we can get back let’s hope we can get everybody back on here they’ll be back oh so let’s see uh Dorothy mcmiller said that person is a very classy person and her family is on point together people are jealous and hate themselves be kind ‘s see well being kind begins with being kind to yourself in order to be kind to others yes that is very much true Diane Taylor hello to you H there going on right now I ain’t GNA lie to you everything’s just fine said evening from Virginia Beach evening to you hello Virginia thank you for the Stars appreciate it we were just speaking about being virgin Patty Monday asked what is brussels sprouts what Patty you don’t know what a brussel sprout is I call them tiny cabbages Terry Shonda thank you for the stars I call them tiny cabbages because that’s what they taste like and that’s what they look like see that’s the Brussel brout it’s literally just a tiny cabbage I just say they’re t cuz that’s what it literally tastes like it’s a tiny cabbage just tastes like cabbage but they’re good they they taste The Taste is a little bit different than cabbage but they’re good I like them so um let’s see Lisha B said great minds think Alik and what else did you say I made some macaroni and cheese today too yes you did I saw your post that you made macaroni and cheese Lisha made macaroni and cheese and Tracy H graes husband made me of today well dang look we all own it today R hello to you she said hi Lisa she said hey Tobi and Christy Thomas I just voted thank you all right let’s get some see O’Neal said sometimes not even I missed it it’s okay oh well let’s see luel brazer said hey you guys from Toledo Ohio well hello all right little milk and a little butter I’m GNA make this Skillet one we’re not messing up no more dishes tonight going to be a quick Skillet mac and cheese we got our noodles we got our butter some milk I’m going to put this cheese in here we’re going to add some salt and some pepper and a little sugar yep I said sugar uh Russell East thank you for the Stars appreciate it is that Russell e e e e a TS uh I saw e s something like that EST yes EST that’s Russ that’s your daddy’s friend hey Russell tell rash we said hello how you guys doing I hope y’all are doing well we got to get together and we haden’t been we ain’t done nothing in a while y’all ain’t done nothing in a long time lacricia Brewer said they smell awful brussel sprouts yeah they ain’t no different than cabbage cabbage stinking not really I think cabbage is stinking I think I think most vegetables stink so there’s that before you start adding what the you’re supposed to add to it ah okay carollyn gr said I love me something dime bacon brussel sprouts H okay let’s see Wendy heart sock said I thought I thought I knew her but didn’t know she lived in a trailer no you’re talking no I’m talking I was talking about two different people while ago h the the the trailer lady that’s just that’s just an incident that I explained the lady that I was speaking about who’s leaving Facebook is that’s a totally different person ah okay yeah the first lady I was speaking of was just a random person it was just telling a story of trying to get the point across of how it made me feel but the other person she’s a no she does not live in a charil she lives in a house let’s see uh Miss Boss uh lady to said heyy Chris hello hello hey Miss said tell your mom she is beautiful and she looks so cute tonight A thank you who said that uh let’s see let’s go back up uh that was that was Mary lewick hey Mary thank you sweetheart let’s see Joyce Copeland said I remember when y’all came to Virginia Beach on vacation that was fun and Pell said broccoli also has an odor too broccoli do fun I know broccoli does have broccoli is funky when don’t leave it out don’t don’t leave a plate out oh there’s a fly y’all this fli D me crazy it’s not going to hurt you these flies is about to drive me crazy today seems like for every two I kill or every two I actually let I try to let them out I don’t like killing them because it’s nasty try not to kill them I try I try to let them out the door for every two I let out or finally have to kill it feel like there’s five more around the corner deah Brown said I absolutely love watching you all so much fun oh thank you Deborah I appreciate that that’s going to be good after all that mil down right there I’m just going mix it on up right here get back in there let’s see Sarah Lindsay said you have a wonderful heart love watching y’all oh thank you let’s see Felicia needs said straight straight jacket ready let’s see Regina O’Neal said I put bacon and cheese on my brussels sprouts bacon and cheese I bet that’s good I’ve never eat the only way I’ve ever eaten brussels sprouts is the way that Mr Derek green made for us which is this way the maple bacon that I’m going to make that’s literally that was the first time I had yeah that was the first time I had ever eaten brussels sprouts and I liked it that way I haven’t tried to cook it any other way I’m not even gonna lie about that I ain’t even gonna lie about that I haven’t even attempted to try and make it a different way all right so let’s cut this down let’s let this do its thing slowly also can anybody tell me how many people we got watching right now now cuz the number seems to be stuck I’d love to see how many people we have on probably is stuck it’s been getting stuck here recently I don’t quite know why but either way it’s okay I would love to know somebody for me now while somebody else is doing that I gotta ask my question go and ask your question in a while you haven’t ask it go for it what is everybody G to eat for dinner or what have you eaten for dinner today I would love to know you know I always ask it’s going to be one of my favorite questions to ask because this is what always happen happens and we have 1.1 th000 people watching well hello everybody everybody came on back I appreciate it thank you guys all right so let’s get this out of my way and while we do that I’m trying I’m going a multitask all right so let’s cut this on okay and we’re going to add some bacon oh we going to start cooking up that bacon for this maple bacon bristel scrap hey Don gerer how you doing hey Don how are you sweetheart good evening T good evening pecan Sans hello hello let’s see Monica Delany said I boil Seafood oo Seafood we I a’t done no seafood B in no we have the last time was I’m not going to say was epic fail but me and your daddy about burn our mouth off we put that whole bottle whole bottle of what that uh Seafood but we didn’t realize it was spicy and would supposed to put just a little bit in there well D it was awful Linda Herrington thank you for the Stars appreciate it we had to pretty much start all over that day well dang it was crazy let’s see uh let me go back language well Jan Taylor said Christy roasted brussels sprouts with seasoning and olive oil is delicious okay I’m going have to remember that one like I said I I’m not a big brussels sprouts person um I’m just kind of over the normal um vegetables that I actually do like kind of over it kind of wanted something different so I didn’t want even though that kind of has a cabbage flavor I didn’t want to do cabbage again I didn’t want to do greins I didn’t want to do green beans I didn’t want to broccoli yeah so that’s fair let’s see now miss boss lady too said butter let’s see butter bean butter bean butter beans oh butter beans okay that’s a bean butter beans fried chicken tenders Peach CER and Cornbread oh that sounds good that sound pretty good let’s see uh ktina Kina Phillips that my mom cooked in meatloaf as well with baked chicken with baked chicken greens cabbage mashed potatoes and Cornbread nice that sounds good and this looks good mhm andette Parell said I’m having leftover lasagna I made the day nothing better than leftover God that Meatloaf smells good already you smell it that smells really really good smell good already l savage that brussel sprouts and a butter sauce is delicious okay y’all giving me ideas about how to cook it cuz like I said I uh I’ve only cooked it the way I’m cooking it tonight because I liked it so much when uh Derek made it for us so yeah sure why not MC e said I had alfredo sauce and noodles with ch oh damn that’s good and said hello Tennesse Soul family it’s looking delicious well hello thank you DJ wearing said neckbones with potatoes and okras corn and tomato with warmbread nice that’s that good good stuff right there y excuse all the noise I’m sorry this beans in the pot right here huh this beans in the pot right here yeah it’s a pinto beans okay I just did a small pot CU don’t nobody in the house like Pino beans know so I just kept it simple pinto beans for me and your daddy let’s see Marilyn Balor suggest voted blessings well thank you thank you thank you appreciate it Regina Whitefield said the fried cabbage and steak fried cabbage and steak and potatoes over onions green peppers and Cornbread you know what I ain’t done a steak dinner in a while I don’t think so Teresa Hunter said uh how did she get the Mac she’s so creamy more oh know I just oh shoot stupid eye I got to keep ey on it to burn that eyes acting yeah then got bright red again it’s okay leavon McCrae said I had cabbage fried country steak yellow rice and Cornbread yes C you fried steak is the let’s see uh Dy Johnson said Hey Big T how did you like the breakfast cake earlier today that was delicious him and his sister both was like oh this is good I was very confused when I looked at it it was funny because I forgot I always tell them when I make anything different I always tell them ahead of time so that that when they go to look at something you know when they go to look at it they’re not shocked as to okay what’s this you know especially if it’s not self-explanatory and that was kind of not self-explanatory so Alysa was the first one to come in here and she opened I had it I had it in the uh what if of the microwave and she opened up and she looked and she just kind of stood there with this confused look on her face and I was like oh yeah I said okay so that is a breakfast bun cake she was like okay cuz I was so confused because it looks like a cake but it’s spouted cake and I’m like what is this so I had to explain what it was and they both was like oh yeah this is that good stuff let’s see uh Lori little said I made chicken and dumplings for dinner today that is Thursday night’s dinner because thebi will be having his procedure on Thursday yep and that’s going to be delicious too let’s see uh Nina a coin said did you onions to your pinto beans chrisy uh no if you want them separate I don’t cook them in it only thing I put in that for those of you who want to know how I’m cooking my Pino beans the only thing I have in my pinto beans is um I have some bacon and salt bacon and salt yeah C on up yes bacon and salt letting that do its thing and cook on up and then I’ll add um I might add some bacon grease to it all right so this is where I want it to be mhm I’ll cut it back on right before we get ready to eat see that’s nice and creamy mm really all you got to do is put cheese inside of there I know I was going to add some mild cheddar but I think I did pretty good with the um with the Vita so I’m not going to add any cheddar to it okay let’s see here Camila Jackson said we had pepper steak and rice and broccoli and cheese and rolls with German chocolate chake German Chocolate cake for dessert that’s one of my favor mhm remember that sir I’m was going to tell that really quick to you what going put what you in that German chocolate is my favorite cake okay my birthday is in 26 days well how you going to expect me to remember that in 26 days write it down sir write it down write it down put memo in your phone call your granny find somebody who make cakes or something cuz if not I’m gonna make it for myself I guess German chocolate look y’all hear me give I thought I give my family hints all the time about stuff I like they like we don’t know what to get you you’re so hard to buyy no I’m not cuz I tell y’all what I like not really huh not really I do no you don’t who sends you lists you send lists you know okay so what is that telling you I can I can get something off the list but I don’t know what you want off the list if I show you the list that means that’s what I like so anything you get me off the list is perfect I’m not going to just send you a list of random things yeah I’m going to send you a list of and yes that’s sugar yes it is for someone who’d be like is was that Sugar yep you don’t understand how good the sugar makes it yep and y’all see I didn’t put a lot I did not put a lot at all Norman Thomas said I wish you were in Texas yeah come on said ger is blond he ger yes so no I I give if I give you a list that means anything and everything on that list is something that I want I’m not going to give y’all a list of stuff that oh wait hold on a second daddy said I’m stuck on the lake I think someone drown boat capsized tww the dock has took up the rescue squad oh no really oh wow well shoot that’s the second time that that that that they’ve had the lake blocked off today yes that is the second time oh wow uh dang it um I don’t know I hope you got flashlights and stuff sorry CU it’s dark well yeah yeah he’s got his big flashlight with him oh wow I hope everybody’s okay well oh Lord that makes me nervous I think I think he’ll be fine he should be just fine I know I’m not worried about him I’m just thinking about the people involved yeah I know that that makes me nervous I don’t there’s no telling what water makes y’all know how I feel about water so there’s that I don’t know what’s going on down at the lake today Lord yeah that’s the second time that because I know someone posted earlier today that um they had the lake closed off and there was a lot of FR responders and stuff out there I think that oh I know what happened that somebody said that a a tuber got too far out oh yeah that’s right a tuber got too far out uh with a young child and they somebody they had to get get out there to get them back to get them back to the shore so I think yeah that’s what that that’s what happened earlier that’s right let’s see Carolyn Grady said making a banana pudding from scratch right now still watching I enjoy watching um thank you and with being I still enjoy well I I enjoy watching that’s it thank you Miss uh you say Carolyn uh yes Carolyn Grady thank you Miss carine uh when you go make banana pudding Tracy Graves your nephew needs some uh banana ping she just made one yesterday I need some listen to him some I need some okay look I know I’ve been promising since what Thanksgiving something like that I’ve been promising my son banana W I could make it myself but uh I don’t want to mess it up oh okay so let’s see if I make it I guess I probably need to make it before you have your tooth pool yeah so you don’t get nothing to Sweet in your too I’ll make it for you how about Wednesday no I’ll make it before Wednesday so tomorrow either tomorrow or Tuesday how about that that deal sure I’ll get the stuff and I’ll make it either tomorrow or Tuesday that’s fine with me I knew that was coming I was waiting on you to say something I was like he’s gonna say something cuz I’ve been promising one and I ain’t done it all right so while let me rest this off okay um so while um I wait on the rest of this stuff to cook M I’m going to go ahead and cut up my brussels sprouts and get ready to start cooking them as well okay all right let’s see uh continue hey that he ca let’s see Katina Phillip said do you make the oldfashioned kind that you put in the oven yes ma’am I’m know no no I don’t do the one you put in the oven I don’t do a mering on top but I do make it homemade uh on top of the stove if y’all want to know how to make a good one let me tell y’all something our mod Trac hell Grace she made one yesterday and that thing looks so good oh my goodness I was ready to jump through the screen now I know how everybody else feels when I be cooking stuff um but she made a banana pudding yesterday and she does it from scratch uh on top of the stove M and it looked so good let’s see terie said what’s for dinner we got meatloaf maple bacon brussel sprouts uh pinto beans macaroni and cheese and we’re going to do some fried cornbread mhm it’s going to be delicious off just kind of like a cabbage like see that place that’s all it is just that right there really it’s just a tiny cabbage see that’s a little tip take the LI tip off want to take the outer shell off there for it and then I’m gonna cut it in half just like that just like that it’s a tiny cabbage it’s just a tiny cabbage let’s see pamelo Williams asked do you put chili powder in your Pino beans no ma’am i’ never I’ve never even heard of that I wonder if that would be good it might be good yeah might let’s see Tracy gra said we made meat love too and it was so delous I saw your husband throw down honey he did great Lorie Campbell said Tracy HBO Graves got got all my nerves yesterday well dayang oh yeah making that banana pudding she was like uh it was time to eat let’s see Tony Brown Tonia Brown said the number one cook oh thank you I appreciate that you’re too sweet too kind well let’s see somebody asked a question Erica Henderson did you get the strainer from teu Miss Christie I’ve been thinking about buying one this strainer come from Amazon Amazon actually come in a set of three or four I can’t remember for sure let’s see uh Wana Kendrick said my favorite family hey Christine hello well hi and thank you ramunda Williams said I need her recipe for the banana pudding girl go check it out I’mma tell you she had she hooked it up yesterday go check it out honey let’s see Gloria Jean said I like my banana pudding with strawberry too with strawberry that’s interesting it’s definitely different it’s definitely different Deborah Williams said I make mines I make mines from scratch all the way around Winterville North Carolina that’s right yeah North Carolina I’m just making sure got it let’s see Gloria Jordan said I put chili powder and my penil beans really I’ve never I’ve never heard of that must be good then must be good I’ve never heard of that let’s see Monica Bernie said Miss Tracy Hope Graves already got me hooked go lady I know right y’all go over there y check her out Lillian el Eldridge said what kind of knife are you using uh this is a ninja knife this is the Ninja what’s it called Baby never do never do the never do knife system it’s this thing right here big love about that for us uh a while back I absolutely love it if I need to sharpen these knives it’s not that big a deal the sharpeners right there at the top it’s really cool honestly let’s see how we looking looks pretty good to me Cheryl Jenkin said in Texas most people put chili powder in through pinto beans really that is the first I’ve ever heard of that all I know is bacon fet and smoke meat well dang salt let’s see do onion lanque said I make my banana pudding with strawberry that’s the second person that said that that’s different I’m have to look that up apparently that’s a thing apparently it is at least we know now yes we is the more you know that’s right let’s see uh Melissa Peterson say Christy I made your lasagna the other night and I’ll never go back to ricotta I’m telling you I’m not a ricotta girl but I tell you what e e e here grab this one okay apparently can y’all hear us now apparently our microphones were off okay so I think one di so just to make sure go ahead and take yours off and I’m I’m going put this one in a stationary position right here put that one in the case y’all give us two seconds we got a little technical issues let’s make sure that being that they both cut off I feel like they may be dead they shouldn’t be uh but we’re g to ensure that they’re not yeah that was my fault I wasn’t paying too much attention oh I forgot it won’t Char that won’t charge it I forgot give us a minute can just a minute I’m trying to get make sure that this other mic oh yeah that case is dead so yeah so if it dies again y’all let to BU sow I’ll try to pay attention all you do is look look at that green see that green right there yeah see if it starts to Blink that means it’s off okay so that’s that’s one way to pay attention is to look at that little green um thingy right there hopefully that’ll be enough for now I wish I had paid more attention down to the comments but it is all sorted out now yes thank y’all for letting us know because we don’t know if you don’t tell us let’s see G Williams said it was off for a while when you started talking about making the lasagna with for oh no it’s okay I gotta pay more attention then it’s okay look it is just fine it happens it’s okay we gonna keep on tricking yes okay Cynthia sort thank you for the Stars okay so we are still having a few more issues with our microphones right now cuz they had actually just turned off a second ago uh so y’all tell me if y’all can hear me now y’all should be able to hear me through the uh the phone’s microphone at least so we’ll see how that goes for just a little bit so uh mama just doing something right now so yall have me for a few minutes or a few seconds I those the other microphones not okay good everybody says we can hear that’s nice to know so we’re just they can hear me well they can hear you right now we’re just using the phone’s microphone right now yeah but I know how my phone is uh does it sound good at least yeah does it sound decent my phone is not very let’s see one need to turn or not good okay so put the little thing in and see if this one will connect to it okay y’all give us one second here let’s see don’t take long it’s not all right so what can y’all hear what do y’all hear what’s what’s going on y’all talk to us for just a second so we can kind of figure this out we out here y hear the echo does everything sound weird yes what because I know like I said my phone it’s not good see slow when need turn said okay that’s good okay better Miss said yes let’s see Ken white said yes we can hear Echo better seems like for the most part everything’s good okay everybody one is good okay all right so we’re going to go with it we’re going to hope that this one holds steady until this did you put the other one in there okay hopefully we’ll get to two little blinking lights it don’t take long for those to charge so hopefully we’ll be back in business here in about 15 minutes 100% CU I don’t know how long that one’s going to last CU it’s been in my purse and I don’t know the last time it was charged so there’s that shle Bon said uh he was doing a wonderful job you and had a beautiful family and best from Orleans LA I appreciate that that is a that is one of the reasons why we keep going because people like you guys who encourage us and give wonderful feedback um y’all know I was on my rent earlier about the negative people on this app um but it’s those kind of comments it’s those kind of um that kind of feedback that makes us keep going um because you know without you guys I me we couldn’t do what we did you know what I’m saying so to have the the positive I mean because we try to be a positive you know force on here you know everybody wants to be positive assume you know you have those that that are they drama SE on purpose you know you have you have some that you see but that’s all their pages about is drama you know um but we’re just a wholesome family and this just kind of like what we like to do so when we get those kind of positive feedbacks from you guys it’s really really encouraging so thank [Music] You’ go ahead uh let’s see here now do that let’s see uh Alexa Smith said Hey Thomas your bald head chy Thomas that breakfast bu cake did look was appreciate it also we have 13 people watching right now for joining on here let’s see Judy P said love the haircut thank you Denise Montgomery hello to you Abby plat said hey there my Tennessee Soul family uh SE hello Harry said uh what does she use instead of ricado oh got I just use [Music] chees when it comes to my um lasagna I just use the cheeses I like like I use um alfredo sauce sauce course you got um I use alfredo sauce M and I use um cheddar cheese I use parmesan cheese I use um cheese parmesan [Music] cheese parmesan Alfredo um oh mozzarella Lord help me mozzarella cheese I mean I just use the cheese and I usually use four when I make my lasagna so it’s the four that I use is cheddar mozzarella paresan and alfredo sauce those are usually the four that I use um all right so this bacon leave all that goodness off in there all that grease yeah take some of out can okay that’s a little too much for the bristle Sprouts CU I don’t want it to overpower it I wanted to just give it for let’s see Blair Colin said watching from Chicago well hello and thank you for being here thank you so much for being here hello to you Dorothy M hello to you as well hello Dorothy how are you Cruz said this is a and call them ugly well well first of all what I got it first of all you haven’t heard him say that in a long time and second of all it’s when people come on here and be negative so if you want to pull that over here keep it up y sweet sister because ain’t nobody said nothing about that and he hasn’t done that in a long time and it’s 90% of the time the people that I talk about just like you lady so you know you can go on and kick on rocks because you know it’s not positive but when someone’s being negative to you what you supposed to do he going to defend his ain’t G defend his family there it is that is that is I’m sassy tonight y’all y’all don’t know sassy tonight’ oh yeah yeah baby yes we gonna be ready to take that out soon yes see Karen Alex hello to you look at the macaron that comment you are out of all the positive things we do you want to bring that one thing up that’s negative you just don’t it you can kiss mine how about that how about them app you just piss me off you you can kiss my app don’t kiss my grits kiss kiss my everybody say Get it Mama kiss my that’s be good right there like people like I wish I that a bit better I thought com it’s okay now that’s fine look that look that’s okay she got her little five in five seconds I got it it’s all right that is okay I know how to handle myself just cuz I’m quiet don’t mean I don’t know it’s like they said it’s not the T people you gotta wor about uhuh is not the people it is not that’s Little Folks now I’m tell you something play come on here with that mess girl G somewhere Monica bir said gety Sher w real Christy Thomas please stand up show stand up look hey I I I have never denied that I was crazy L that I have told y’all many of times that I have I have a a non-tolerance SI cancer in me I’m sorry it is the cancer in me I have a non-tolerant side uh after a while um that just kind of because I’m sitting here speaking positively and you have one person who wants to break a negative moment in our in our lives and that’s person who it’s just nasty need to go on need to go on be different if all we did was negative things we are very we are a very positive family out here and we only snap back you come first you come first you gonna get it baby let’s see Marshall Adam said yes Christie show me what you work honey all right so the maple we got the Brussels spots clean got some onions put a little bit of maple syrup we’ll put more in there too when I get done uh little maple syrup and I’ve got the green like I said and for those of you who are watching this is Derek Green’s recipe and I’m not doing it just like Derek no way no way no way check for a fashion um this is their seasoning greens maple bacon blend so we’re going to put that on here too I’ve actually used this quite a few times on a burger once you put it on a burger really I did it was good the maple bacon yeah you sure it was a maple B I’m very sure wasn’t the Tomato NOP I remember he said I remember clear daylight I put it on Burger I grabbed it inally that’s it was delicious actually I had a nice sweet burping taste to it actually up on there a little bit it was quite delicious there we go all right so let me get ready to get my bacon in here I know I need a I need a to Daddy said Christy you can’t be doing that that’s my job all all right baby you know I got your back like bonny and Clyde sweetheart you know I got your back no no no no you got the wrong one today sister R Armstrong say you go girl Christy you know what they say about a quiet person M quiet people we play she say she heard it today thank you I appreciate it appreciate it so much man trusty said that’s so true I’m a cancer as well my birthday is July 1st mm oh well happy early birthday your birthday coming on Up Like Mine mine’s coming up in 26 days 2 26 days something like it I’m going forget that eventually too no you will not sir you are not allowed to forget my mom your mom’s birthday I’m sorry can’t help I forget 21 July 21 sir you are not allowed to forget that okay uhuh I’m getting I think it’s called reminders in your phone and you’ll never forget well there are REM reminders in the phone it’s the remers you already put there so bless it I didn’t put them there you put them there I use those on oh yeah that’s right you’re connected to our uh our our calendar I am you’re connected to our Google Calendar whatever you put on the calendar well then you have no excuses there I guess yall hear what I said y’all he ain’t got no excuses there right let’s see Cleo pump uh Leo pompe said your menu is on the money you babe RZ Jones said my birthday is July 18th oh your birthday is the same as my cousin I have a cousin whose birthday is July 18th the cancer babies we don’t play Let’s see uh Bonita mois said Chick-fil-A has a new uh maple bacon chicken sandwich oh really oh interesting and good let’s see uh de William said don’t forget mine is July 4th winter Winterville uh North Carolina okay July oh you’re Fourth of July baby so when you have your birthday it go up in a bang she goes she goes out with a bang baby let’s see verli and her thank you we got 1.4 th000 you how you guys doing y’all come on in appreciate y’all joining on in flip with FL what’s on the menu what’s up flipy just coming on in sir we got meatloaf in the oven um hold on you might not hear me very well oh uh how you doing flip we got a meatloaf in the oven we doing maple bacon brussels sprouts we got some macaroni and cheese got Pino beans I’m G to make some uh fried cornbread while I wait on this uh sesa Conor thank you star um making some maple bacon Brussels sprout this is cooking with greens um recipe I Michelle Walton thank you helle thank you this is just brussel sprouts Bacon Bacon Fat um maple syrup and um an onion and we’re using cooking with greens I show the seasoning one more time for y’all who may not have seen it this is cooking with Lan’s maple bacon seasoning and it’s good for other than just this recipe um we have used it on other things and it’s good stuff TR said my birthday today well happy birthday happy happy birthday happy birthday to you darling let’s see Rita o Brant said you and U Sonia have the same birthdays as my stepdaughter that’s how I remember it oh okay so your stepdaughters is the same as mine and Tanya’s as well yes me and Tanya celebrated our birthday together last year she said hers is 10 well look look at those cancer girls in the house there’s a lot of cancer people in the house pretty much every right gra my top go ahead we’ll take a look at this one more time after puts it on this is still pretty much the before product before it’s fully cooked and it smells delicious you got no idea how it’s going to here it smell good let see Patricia f said Big T keep showing that mac and cheese I need some look it’s thing got cool now look I got to heat it back up a little bit I got to heat cheese Stir It Up a little bit it’s just been sitting there just just pick it up a little bit than for the stars look at that don’t nobody do just sitting there waiting on me I a even tasted to make sure I had all had my seasonings in it right yeah don’t nobody do it better than mama oh thank you son really don’t nobody appreciate better I try look I learned from some of the best when it comes to this mac and cheese your daddy’s Aunt your daddy’s on his way home actually okay one of your daddy’s aunts makes I won’t call her name she makes a mean mac and cheese my God and I asked her what did you do to your mac and cheese and church member I won’t call her name either she wanted me to she made she gave me plenty of tips one time on her mac and cheese I was like what did you do to it and she was like I did this and I’ve been doing it ever since and I’m tell you something got right on point baby yeah I got that right on point this time yes might add some more sugar to my personal I don’t know why I like I like I like my macaron be extra sugar no sugar add just a little more little more pepper because I love my pepper Marie Rober Robin thank you for the Stars appreciate little more pepper a tad bit more salt and I got it right on point that was really good gra warmart Today l more garlic and onion powder Gotta Have It Baby let’s see Sherry Crump said don’t you don’t bake your Mac and Cheese sometimes I do I just chose not to tonight tonight is star hey Karma how you doing baby um dang it I forgot thank you for the Stars again hold on I got you you forget a minute this one don’t eat what I’m cooking let’s see Tamisha Wilson said Tobias any disclaimers for tonight’s dinner ever since the baked potato disclaimer I’ve been waving uh any disclaimers for today’s dinner was your disclaimer for the baked potato I forgot what was the disclaimer uh well let’s see disclaimer that was just because it’s got vegetables in it does not make it oh yeah I forgot about that oh I completely forgot about that I forgot about that uh disclaimer I don’t know if I got any disclaimers today this this meal’s pretty well-rounded actually and Teresa Connor Thank You For The Stars Teresa had a woman water to this this is pretty much de I do that let’s check on these right here they been on Long yeah good right there yeah some cornbread ready to fry some cornbread and get finished Nina said Lord I want a whole pot of mac and cheese get it everybody likes that mac and cheese right there all right so your sister will help me I done completely forgot I got to feed her oh yeah that’s right she doesn’t eat what we eat Lord help me um Cheryl uh go out the live and then come back in if your screen is black she said her screen was go mama is getting ready to put some chicken in the air FR for me because she got to eat too yes when she just walked in here I remember chicken strips nothing much for her anyway nothing much just just simple I open up got than you got 1.5000 people watching right now appreciate April Shaw thank you for the Stars appreciate it Sheila McMillan said will Mariah eat what Mama’s cooking no ma’am you come in with the question right on time no ma’am not at all unfortunately had you asked that question two minutes ago i’ been like dang it thank you cuz when I cook like this I have to remember that she doesn’t Carl Carl thank you for stars thanks Carl I have to remember that she doesn’t um can y’all still hear us okay with me moving around with the mic just being stationary right here no one said anything so I’m assuming you guys can still hear us the Stars I want see what this is on yeah it’s got one dots go ahead no go ahead cut that one off we keep saying have okay y give me one second all right so we’re miked back up hopefully that’s better I don’t know if y’all were having some issues maybe possibly still hearing us well [Music] um okay yall hear me good got my microphone back on now all right there we go all right so I got Mariah some chicken cooking Michelle Walton said making my last uh minute lemon cake lemon cake let’s make some cornbread I I say make one but it’ll be gone in two hours man the lemon cake does not last in this unfortunately let’s see Angel Jackson said yes Nina coin yes Trina Brown yes seems like everybody say yes let’s see Terry Shonda said a lot better okay that’s good okay good all right that’s what we’re trying to do I was trying to let those that’s going to be good yeah that’s going to be really good I actually like brussel sprouts I think they’re good yeah they’re good all right top back on let that continue to simmer oneita turn it so everything sounds great thanks Wanita all right I’m GNA start calling oneita my sound girl my S lady cuz she be on point with letting us know how we stay on yes she does all right so cornbread there we go that’s the last thing and then we’re gonna eat cornbread cornbread and thank you for the Stars again there is cornmeal there it is cornmeal I love me some fried cornbread let see uh Corin B said yummy my mouth is watering mac and cheese was on about mac and cheese with love a plate y’all really like this mac and cheese for some reason it’s just macaroni and cheese you can buy the same stuff at the store and six the lies you just told Tamisha Wilson thank you for the stars I can go to Food Giant right now look the lies you just you just told a whole bunch of Lies sir whatever you say uhh I can fix that same get it like that I can fix that same pot of macaroni from going to Sabai no not and you know what I don’t even need the Vita all I need is the pack it come with you going no I can’t make that taste like let’s see Donna Smith said don’t forget Mimi’s green beans I ain’t gonna forget they go they go in the microwave it’ll be okay 15 minutes I’m good let see Sheila McMillan said the macaroni and she uses the jam that sh Jam tonight is the macaroni and cheese I love [Music] it okay a second be quick Teresa Conor said but Christy is special Mama’s macaroni and cheese is special but you know what else is special powdered cheese special oh my God no what is wrong with you I taught you better than that what’s wrong with powdered cheese T you better it’s simple to use I taught you better than this look all you got to do is go to sa a lot buy a sixpack of macaroni Che over here for H talking that crazy stuff made me forget what I come over here for Lord G Lea add some chili powder to the Bento bees you you’ll thank me later I might we’ll see maybe you should I might I ain’t gonna lie to you I might we’ll see oh that oh is here okay awesome all right let’s make some fried cornbread okay this is a white lily Patricia f said welcome to the family come on in come on in hey Daddy hey let’s see crystal holl said no Tobias mac and cheese has to be creamy I know it can be creamy out the microwave too got too much there we go it can be nice to creamy out the microwave ter BL for me BL for me hey what you doing why you trying to BL up bab blinding me through the camera going on got quite a bit going on let’s see uh V Journey said chili powder and human oh they look good Brussels sprout maple bacon brussels sprouts look good mhm they smell really good too yep I’m G to cut it off I think they about done this isn’t a prison yard see ID hey hey boy license for insurance and registration you go mess up the camera stop it all that exposure let’s see Nicole Hill said tell us what happened at the lake oh everybody wants to know what happened at the lake sir I caught some fish no what you said was going on they they they knowsy they all want know well a nobody drown somebody kept size the B oh at least everybody’s okay that’s TW the game W he was at the dock he hit me get on the dock he said how you doing sir I said how you doing man I said what’s going on he said they had lights R sad was out there I said somebody drown he said somebody kept size a Bo out there we got to go up there so I thought maybe you know Yugi was something like that happen you know they can’t find a victim but he got he got off the shore but the boat kept s okay good well I’m he’s okay that’s good but then he looked at me he said hey man you got your license on you ah damn dang he said I need to see your life jacket I need to see oh Lord he pul he I need to see your throwball and I need to see your fire extinguisher your credentials he checked my lights on my boat my license and I said I’m good officer he said will you have a nice day and I said now can I get off he said no we got the doctor though well then it so I had to wait till they do what they do but everything good somebody just turned the boat over okay good I was nervous I was hoping nobody was hurt well at least everything’s good yeah that’s all that matters yeah let no was hurt Linda Taylor said hello big low Mary Ford say hello big low how you doing he doing okay do so my cornbread is simple uh one egg about a coup about two about two cups of um I use the buttermilk self rising um get it out chrisy cornmeal with uh one egg a little a little bit of uh bacon grease and buttermilk and that is it baby and we’re going to just fry that on up it’s about as simple as making a bowl and Tracy Graves this is your husband’s fault because I seen that fried cornbread he had next to them black eyed peas yeah yep that this is his fault cuz I wasn’t doing no fried cornbread I was I I had said I was going to be good that the the macaroni and cheese and the beans was going to be enough and I but when it comes to starches and I seen where your husband made that and I was like okay yep I need that mhm this cornbread’s as easy to make as a bowl of microwave macaroni and cheese boy if you don’t stop talking about that Mac microwave macaroni and cheese but it is simple to make all right so my my meatloaf is done G to pull it out and let it can’t wait to see that let it rest while we finish up cooking everybody saying meatloaf we gonna take it out in a minute I’m G take it out I had forgot about it yeah I got it all right let’s get this meatloaf out while that’s doing its thing yep let’s see Crystal wooden said you talking about a good time right there let’s take it on out got it yep that look like a meatloaf it is a meatloaf that’s definitely a meatloaf it is definitely meatloaf sir all right oh Lord my com bread is moving quick okay hold a second yeah hold please Angel Jackson said loud is that I uh it seems like it Lord Jesus I can’t even C my cornbread oh lord I can’t even cook my cornbread yeah whatever it happens but Tracy gra said I’m trying to make sure this thing is not see C hun said meat love looks so good o all right looks like those are done yeah they’re done mm that forber smell good I can eat it right now you’ll be able to eat here in just a few minutes yes I will I was going to get that big low for supp watermelon uhuh you going to eat you going to eat I EA watermelon baby you going eat let’s see who just sent that uh Mabel Woodward thank you for the Stars appreciate it he said he water like I’m GNA make him eat you going to eat sir you don’t eat your Corb bread your bread and April sh thank you for the Stars appreciate it thanks Miss April and mayel wood thank you for the SEL those need to cook just a tiny bit more yeah I know look thise I’m going have to swap eyes yeah maybe for my next batch cuz this one is this is the wonky one that I don’t normally cook on that’s the one that’s worse than the other yeah this is the one that’s worse than the other y Vette Morrison thank you for the Stars appreciate it I’m gonna swap them out okay may we thank you for the Stars once again appreciate all your stars thank you Miss Mel all right so yeah that’s done so we’re going to Swap this out uh Johnny Cox the link to vote is on the bottom of your screen there you should see a little pen on the bottom click on that move this over here okay you click on that that’ll take you directly where you need to go just so it doesn’t cook anymore I thought I cut that off oh you didn’t cut the wrong one I cut the wrong one off I guess so lord well it’s almost done or it might be done actually yeah these are almost done Mariah’s green beans take look back s real quick look good let’s see Kelly SE said Miss Christie how did you get your mac and cheese so creamy uh milk cheese done already almost milk cheese okay Mariah a uh milk cheese and what else I put in there I forgot now milk cheese butter butter yeah milk cheese butter that’s about it and don’t don’t be Sky it 20 seconds okay can I take it out will Wasington says H from Detroit Michigan hello to you all right so let’s see Shanta pruit said uh bruss Sprouts are delicious they taste like baby cabbage they do definitely T okay well you can go take it on that then take it on that sweetheart all right so we’re gonna try this cornbread again Deborah Patterson said Vita yes ma’am absolutely Vita is the key yeah go go ahead and get those out yeah I got it we’re going to move a little Mama’s trying to move kind of quickly here let’s see Teresa Connor said I’m praying for you to Teresa Connor said I’m praying for you to win christe thank you I appreciate it all right hold on that let’s get you some green beans mm you got your chicken yeah is it going to be good of course it is that’s good to know Mama’s just getting Mimi hooked up real quick she’s getting her DIN and stuff ready yes cuz I forgot that the kid doesn’t eat what we no not exactly right let me take this up go ahead I got a lot going on let’s see Gail L said look said looks good from Chicago thank you okay go ahead and eat your chicken I’ll call you when your uh your green beans are heated up okay all right so let’s put some more cornbread in okay getting to be finished see Deborah Patterson said that Meatloaf looks delicious wish I live near you if you live next door or even anywhere close I would tell you you come on and get your P let’s see uh fushi Martin said hello from Louisville Kentucky love watching your lives with all the good food well thank you I appreciate that you give me great ideas on what to cook and also I’ve been voting for you to win oh thank you I appreciate y’all on y”s votes y’all don’t know how much that means to me because without you guys I wouldn’t be where I’m at so it’s very very much appreciated let’s see Angela Jackson said Chris Christie send me send me big Lo’s plate please I’m not they trying to they trying to eat your plate cuz you said you wouldn’t eating you ain’t gonna eat nothing you gonna eat I just ate watermelon that’s all I want I I don’t want no me I mean looks good don’t get me wrong you know that’s what in the I just got full of watermelon baby I’m done and see Joyce Cox said I just voted thanks M Joyce appreciate it this is what big low eating for up right here see that that’s watermelon baby watermelon is that’s all I got to taste for man let’s see uh amber Royal said what did Christy add to the Brussels sprouts breakfast so that is bacon uh maple bacon um hold on let me get my brain right it’s it’s brussels sprouts uh chopped onion maple bacon seasoning from the greens uh maple syrup and that’s basically it uh yeah they’re on the side over there hold on let’s see Linda Shanker said christe I just voted for you earlier thank you thank you for voting thank you for voting let’s see G said I’ll take his plate y’all everybody’s trying to take your plate low he ain’t going to eat it so they trying to take it there we go that’s looking better now yeah that’s okay either way they going to get ate so it don’t matter to me mhm let’s see uh Kimberly sore said everything looks delicious just didn’t like the Brussels price it’s okay it’s all their own oh well that fell it’s fine I’m not I don’t expect them to be perfect I don’t I don’t cook for it to be perfect Lisa crw said sweet Lord that food looks absolutely amazing and delicious I cook for it to be good not for it to be perfect I know everybody W stop talking about that mac and cheese look I’m G have to look I’m have to try to make sure I got y’all some of that mac and cheese made when y’all come to when y’all come in September make that one on my side huh two yes let’s see uh sugar foot what you what happened I almost dropped her green be that’s what happened Melle Walton said never made brussels sprouts but love cabbage I will have to try your recipe yeah try it and this is not my recipe I will make sure to give credit what credit is Du this is uh Derek Green’s recipe um got it out of his book honey that’s good stuff honey I got it out of his book um out of his cookbook and um he was the first one to cook it for us back when we went to Virginia a couple years ago and U I’ve been loving it ever since it’s just you know when you make something new you try to learn remember you know you try to remember those recipes so you can cook it again yeah so that’s one of those things that just kind of come to my brain when I was trying to come up with another vegetable that I don’t normally eat a that car smell good cor yeah that smell good it don’t look the best but it sure does smell good it don’t matter how it look that tore up cornbread is the best cornbread ever that’s going to taste it with those Brussels sprads mhm we’re F to eat you ready ain’t you you cooking tonight and I’m very much ready look he said he ready y’all he ready he ready he said he ready y’all about ready just grab a fork start eating now all right Mari come get your green me with me let’s see uh Roy soon said good evening y’all good evening to you uh mayel wber said I was watching uh I was watching earlier today appreciate that Michelle Walton said Christie waiting on your cookbook hope you uh hope you add it get get to it I think I don’t know I forgot to grab Fork y’all give me just a second y’all bear with me for just a second to take these up they done let’s see uh Max SP said I’ll take big Low’s plate everything looks delicious too well thank y’all Melissa Val said looks delicious then Denise Smith hand me the plate at the window come on I got you I hand you one after the window you ain’t got to be at the window you can come on in Crystal wooden said smell Vision ain’t nothing better than some good old smell Vision my cornbread ain’t the prettiest tonight I don’t know what happened but oh well that don’t matter when it tears up that L know it’s going to be good so there’s that she Mill said I want big Clos plate please y’all got look we going to auction we going auction off big those plates y’all want big Lo’s plate right let’s get to make a plate here Ken Livingston said put my cornbread under the brussel sprouts I may have to do that all right let’s scoot that over there out of the way see Anna sto said I’m waiting on your mama’s Seasons I’m working on it she working on it I’m just like this macaroni let’s see uh Sandra Sandra bman said it’s going to be a nice plate Cynthia gr said looks delicious all right Walker said look delicious to me thanks de all right so let’s get ready there that’s still hot hold on touch that I want touch that it’s time to Plate it up time to Plate it up baby Tamisha Wilson said I just want some of that mac and cheese look if I could feed y’all all some mac and cheese I would Patty Monday said I take biglo plate all right now plate time y’all PL PL PL plate hey Barbara SIM for the plate Barbara sim said yum all right let’s get ready to eat Bernice uh Burke said looks professional thank you Carla sim said Big T I’m knocking at let’s see I’m knocking at the door for my plate y’all come on all righton said I’ll take Mariah’s portion oh yeah I forgot yeah Mariah’s portion yeah let’s see Teresa Conor said I’ll do your dishes for you in order to have a plate come on I got y’all let’s see uh Shirley day said I’m at the door Y come on CH follow Wilson said everything looks delicious thank you guess it’s gonna be big te plate y’all fine with me you gonna get the the presentation plate flip with flair said I’m on my way come on flip come on down uh Regina Fon said Christy always do a great job thank you yes she does D crit said the food looks great mama I take big Lo’s plate thank you I’m put the beans in a bowl because Deborah patter said raffle for big Low’s plate y’all y’all gonna raffle off his plate Crystal Crystal Holland said great job Christy thank you Cherry Shonda said Meet Me Halfway I’m in Middle Tennessee come on meet your halfway chrisy Shanker said Christy don’t be surprised if everybody come knocking at the door now y’all come on hold on let me turn this pan around where I can get where I want to cut it and R said I don’t want big Low’s plate I want my own well Annie I get you look she said she don’t even want his she’s like just give me mine Charlie Smith said Christie is the oh y’all are so sweet Lisa hunt said I want breakfast for dinner sound good to me I love breakfast for dinner Mar James said I love the presentation plate uh yes the white absolutely Contours with the rest of the food that’s on the plate at the moment I think it’s absolutely Exquisite Angela Jackson said it’s the meatloaf and the beans the meatloaf in the beans for you uh pette Cole said did you do the meatloaf in a cast iron skillet I sure did let’s see C Celeste J hello hi Clark said looking good and caramel carel thank you for Baby maretta James said you’re the that’s Christy Thomas thank you there’s that macaroni everybody want don’t leave it alone that’s just stove top macaroni and cheese I I mean I didn’t even make it this time around oh carel Carl thank you for the Stars appreciate it simple tonight I feel like my plate is missing something but I got it right here Terry Shonda said I love meatloaf and pinto beans man what that is the best combination ever we need a turn said I just want Meatloaf I just want a meatloaf sandwich tomorrow man why need that’s dinner tomorrow now that’s that’s dinner tomorrow is a meatloaf sandwich Lisa hunt said meatloaf looking moist and perfect thank you there I don’t like no dry meatloaf we don’t want that no I don’t don’t like no dry meatloaf this look good right here all right these off hold on let’s see maretta James said the plate looks delicious in a amazing thank you de it does what you going to do what’s those shabs oh green onions okay ah okay yes Robert Simmons said uh oh oh that one must have slipped by carel carel thank you for the Stars appreciate it thanks caramel let’s see Denise Smith thank you for the stars as well appreciate and there is Cynthia store thank you oh and there is my presentation Play There It Is that is my dinner in a nutshell last hour what it take me hour and a half maybe something like that extra ketchup Kate uh Thompson says looks delicious thanks Kate let’s see Kimberly store said I’m gonna have to go watch you fix the Brussels sprouts cuz my husband husband loves them oh yes honey we get to M there we go that’s it everything from scratch like always guys got meatloaf got stove top macaroni and cheese maple bacon brussels sprouts fried cornbread and pinto beans that’s what’s for dinner y’all on a Sunday night at 9:51 look let’s eat y’all see I start sweating I mean I working hard when I start sweating I don’t I’m working hard but this is our dinner y’all I want to thank y’all for joining us uh my mess up here want to thank y’all for joining us for our plate um if y’all have any questions I always try to answer your questions if I can most of it I try to be as as self I try to be as explanatory as possible while I’m cooking most of it is just simple it’s just simple ingredients that most of you probably already have in your home so with that being said we’re going to get ready to get out of here happy Sunday night I hope you guys had a great day I hope yall enjoy the show tonight uh we will be back sometime tomorrow for more Tennessee s family we love you guys thank you all for your likes your hearts and stars that was sent thank you all for your engagement with us and each other remember here at tennessy s family and food happiness is homemade remember to go vote I’m sorry gotcha okay um remember that um to go and vote or your favorite Chef um because the votes are still accumulative this is the final round and I have to stay in first place in order to move forward um to the next phase of the competition right because this is um group finals like you know everybody was in groups so in group finals I’m still number one and I have to stay number one in order to move Lind thank you for the St to the semifinals so thank you guys once again for keeping me in first place for stars thank you Miss Mabel thank you all so much for your stars we appreciate it guys uh so with that being said we’re going to get out of here this is Christy and big tea one more time baby meatloaf creamy macaroni and cheese stove top I might add pinto beans some uh fried cornbread and maple bacon brussels sprouts we love you guys thank y’all for joining this is Christie Big T we out here guys y’all have a good night love y’all

1 Comment

  1. Meatloaf, maple bacon Brussel sprouts mac and cheese !! - Dining and Cooking (1)

    @phyllisalston4044 2 days ago

    That looks delicious

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Meatloaf, maple bacon Brussel sprouts mac and cheese !! - Dining and Cooking (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.