Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)

SIOKJVlTO HEEAED 5ATUHDAT OCTOJ3J5E 20. 190l. 7 FOR SALE Fine sideboard, iron bed. Singer sewing machine almost new, bedroom sets, dressers. Decatur Auction 733 N.

Water. lG-dG FOR SALE A rattan baby buggy; rubbor tires and ball bearings, ono silk parasol. In good condition. Price $5 Call on Mrs. Frank Doiid, 157 West Docatur St 1G-uG BARGAIN Reduced Rates ADVERTISING PETITION TO PROBATE WILL-State of Illinois, Macon county, County court Macon county, September term, 19J la ihc matter ot the probate of the last win and testament ot Daniel M.

Fielding, deceased, in probate. To all persons whom this may concern, greeting is hereby given that on the 2Gth day of September, A. 1900, a petition was hied in the county court of Macon county, Illinois, asking that the last will and testament of Daniel M. Fielding, deceased, be admitted to probate Th same petition further states that the foll.iw-e ing named persons are all the hcirs-at-law and legatees: Annie E. Fieiding, wido 5 Under this column will always be found announcement of the reduced rates to various points offered by tha abash road.

Bv looking over the headlines each day are interested and' of a' little time. Southwssteri On the first and third Tuesdayi inp r-cKets to principal ixcnm.Ky, Louisiana, luiss'fsippi, Aorta and l-aro-na, Tennesses and Virginia. Hnmeseekers' round tria tirketi to principal points also in Arizona. Arkansas, Colorado. Idaho, Indian Territory, Iowa, Kansaj, Minnesota, Missouri.

Montaa, Nebraska. New Mexico. North Dakota.South Dakota, Oklalmfj, Oregon Texas, Utah. Washington, Wisconsin, Northern Michi gun and Wyoming, on first and third Tuesdayj of each month, good returning for 21 davs. One lire plus $1 for round trip.

California Tourist ticket), good returning every nias moaihfc itn liberal stopover privilejes ia cica direction, oa sals daily. Special Rates. Danville account republican rally, tickets sold for all trains Friday, Oct 25, good returning up to and including Oct, 27. $2.95 round trip. Sunday Rates.

On Sunday you can secure a ticket to many points at grsit'f feduced rates. You can go to Danville and return for to Springfield St. 16, to Jacksonville $2.18, to St Louis $3. 55. The St.

Louis tickets are also sold for Saturday afternoon ti'ams and are good to retura up to and including train leaving St Louis 9 a. m. the following Monday. are just half rates. Halt eared in every case, other points are sold at rates.

Mr. A. Pollock, passenger and ticket agent, Delator, jjf will be giad to have you call at the Decatur city tictet office cA Wabash railroad, or your letter addressed to him will receivs careful consideration and attention. Advertising matter oa tha ebove subjects now at the city ticket office fat disXiibmlaa ot will be mailed to your address ou application Illinois xcursions. rtrti.fmentorMwortHorle"- MALE HELP WAVTfcD.

WANTED Manager for branch oflico by old established manuiuciun" ary J125per sonth and extra commissions. Most furnish satisfactory references and jSOOcash. JJistrict Manager, 300 Johnston bldg, Cincinnati, O-S0-u2t WANTED A man to bosk corn. Apply to A. D.

Catlin. milai north and lja nates neat of Decatur. 19-J6 HELP WANTED Male. Old established mercantile house, cxtandinn husinoss in tbissection. wants to arrange with capable man of oorrect habits, to manage blanch.

Salary $1500 yearly. Extra commissions. Must furnish $500 and satisfactory references. Opportunity, Drawer ii. ew rtav-en, Conn.

Octl8-dlmo WAN'l'ED Business man and women to take exclusive agency for a staf) and control sub-agents handling Dr. White 3 Electric Ccmb. $3000 ner month compensation. Call and I'll proie it. David Kosa, 757 N.

Water Decatur. 111. Octll-dltoo HELP WANTED Mslo. $12 straight bona fide weekly salary paid direct from office; expenses extra commission. Capable nien and women to reprosant us appointing agents: rapid promotion and increase salary.

Ken brilliant lines. Butlor 4 Alger, New Haven. Ccnn. Oot3-dlino HELP WANTED Male Manager, capable man to manage branch old eunblished house; S125 month; extra commissions. Must be well recommended and furnish 5800 cash.

Manager, Diawor74, Kew Haven, Conn. 15-dlmo Sept FEMALE J1ELI WAMEft WANTED A good girl for general housework. Inquire of Mis. Gcs Wood. Danville.

111., 09 W. North St. Write for particulars. 20-dG WANTED A girl for genral housework. Call at 441 N.

Water st-2J-d6 WANTED A dining room girl at the Vienna restaurant, 751 East Eldorado St. 19-d6 WANTED A girl for general housework. Call at 450 S. Monroe. 17-dfl WANTED Women at S40 a rronth, steady nork.

Call at 224 North Main St. Room 6, from 9 tot S. D. Knapp fc Co. 17-dG WANTED A good girl immediately.

Small family, and no washing. Call at Room 10, Biser bldg, N. Water St. lfi-dli WANTED Ten housework and five dining room girb, 2 dishwashers, and one chambermaid, 4 women cooks, 2 men cooks, 4 housekeepers and 2 girls for cc*ntry, porters and bell boys. Employment 116 Merchant St.

Old phone 1834. 15-d6 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED Position as housekeeper by an experienced middle aged woman for vidower or small family. City preferred. Address care Herald.

19-dG WANTED To borrow S700 on double security. State terms and interest for same. Address A. L. Herald.

lti-dU WANTED To sell a ladies' bicycle In goi condition, Columbia make. It can be seen at 309 North Edward St. lG-d6 WANTED People to come to J. R. Gott's livery and feed barn on E.

"Praiiie plenty of room and good ventilation. The only barn in the city with doors open all niaht The best of accommodations. lGSept-dtf WANTED Clean rags at the Herald office. -July 27-dtf WANTED Eyeybody to now that the only place to get a square meal for 15c, (even meals for 95c, or 21 meals for $2. 75 at 451 North Water street, two eleotrio fans, a IT.

Meyers 6-dtf WANTED Everybody to call at the cottage gallery, 9S5 N. Water St, for first class photos at extremely low prices. 50c. per dozen. With each dozen of photos, one photo button free.

Call and investigate. Octl4-tf WASTED-Vehicle painting. Get your carriage or buggy repainted in the latest style with the best of material by J. L. EDglisb, the carraiga painter, corner Main and Church street All work guaranteed.

9-June dtf 'US REN Four room house at 918 N'. i-dward at Call at 123 E. Main St 17 d6 FOR RENT-Two story house, 9G9 Ncrth Mam street, five blocks north of post-ofiice, has furnace, ga and water. Enquire ot J. L.

Drake, office over puitoCce. l-dj FOR RENT House of 5 rooms with closets, pantrj, cellar, hydrant and cistorn, water, canter location, en car iino, will tent to one or two families, fur further information and terms. Call at 31u N. St 17-d6 FOR RENT A modern 4 room cotta-e, with mantle and grate, well, cistern un I cellar, convenient for party working tt Mueller faciory. Will rent cheap if taken at once.

Call on Mrs. Gus Pauschart at Cole shoe store 16-dG Iack8mitl1 ahP Bnd wagon shop, one of the best stands in central liinois, a good plaoe for a brst class horao-stoer. Apply to W. H. Leister, Stonington, Christian Ill -OctlG-d4w FOR RENT OR SALE-37 aaieol "nice land 2 mllei southeast of Decatur on graveled road, bus hous, barn, plenty ater and other im.

rovoments. Nice place chicken iancn or truck farm. W. M. Harps trite city.

1G-JG OR RENT Bouse of 3 rooms and summer kitchen cn N. Water St. Uood well d6 nqmre at 738 N- Church. FOR RENT Eight room house on West Decatur St. Newly remodeled, papered Pled.

All modern conteniencas. -t 3 i'inn' courthoU3- iun OA to iieiTrSiC8 futni3hed front heat Xht roun, men- St8al caWd8Bt "5S squired. Lo- ain' snd 1W over Ll'sutlerilK-91018- FrSn Wmen SSf men to room and board ihTI eare Herald. lE-dj SHEEP to get a carload, I will soil 60 ewes and lambs, most of thorn ready tor the butcher. Coll at the farm of Wade.

'J miles northwest of city. 15-dG FOR SALE A light weight surrey, newly painted an. I up olsteroU last year. Can be seen ut ln3 E. Eldorado.

15-dG FOR SALE A leather gun case, to fit a pair of barrels Si inc Case is stroiv and well made. A birgain: Call 132 North Jack3un St. 15-df- FOR SALE Lot on E. Eldorado street near edge of ritv. Inquire at 17-0 E.

Ekloiado St. 15-dG FOK SALE A drug store doing a paying business, in desimble locution in city. A bargain if at onca. Reason for si'lling is on account of ill health. Address 605" care Hurald FOR SALE Cheap if taken soon my notel and restaurant on Front scroet, a few doors from depot.

14 nice rooms. Reason foi selling want to go on my far 11. inquire of R. O. McGlasson, Front St.

Aug. 29Jtf FOR SALE A 12 horsa powor high gralo in. proved multi-polar electrio motor. This muchiiio is as good as new and will be sold at a bargain. Call on or address The Decatcr.

111. Aprills-wtf LOST A I'D 1 LOST Thursday morning, gold watch between 919 W. Wood St and Imbodon's meat market. Finder please rotjrn to 919 W. Wood St.

ar.a receive ronard. 20-dG FOEND A paokaae of laoe. Finder can have samo by calliiiL' at Herald and paying for this notice. 20-dG Hor-ET 111 l.UAN" $1030 TO LOAN For three years. Laugh-lin Cloud.

19-d6 M. T. HOTT Loans on roa) estate, personal and cbaitei security, 80 acre faiun for r-nt 15-dG LOANS On salaries, cbattei3 and real estate, $1000. S14U0, $2(KHJ, farm or coed city proporty. Farms, 1C0, 1 mile ot Lake City, well Unproved, rich soil $75 por acre.

80 good rich land Maroa township, $75. Decatur Investment 141 E. Main St. Sept. 31 dtf ARE YOU I NEED OF READY CASH? It so, I loan on furniture, pianos, horses, cows or on any good security.

No delay, no questions askea of your meddlesome neighbors. Hairy Fiak, 116 Merchant St 3-dtf MONEY TO LOAN On leal estate, good personal security, household, good live stock, or any good security. No delay, at very low ratos. R. E.

Gray, attorney, rooms 6 and 7, Masonic building. New phone No. 10 June 29-dtf MONEY TO LOA2. At lowest current xata, on real estate, individual security, or chattel mortgages. Loona mad on liv stock, grain, farming implements, buggiea, pianos, household goods and any kind of good collaterals.

F. W. Oalddwell, rooms 501 and 602 Millikln bldg. 10-dtf MONEY. We make all classes of loans.

Special rates on amounts of $100 and under. All papers executo in our office. Loans made to salaried people without security. Pegram Citizen's Bank bldg. 8-d LOANS AND LOANS-AU clas-ej of loan.

negotiated on live stock, wagons, bug gics, grain, growing crops, pian or any good security. No high rates. Best terms. Easy pas menu. Call and me.

Albert T. Summers, 145 N. Water St. April 6-dtf TO LOAN On improved city property or farm land sums of $500 and upwar ls at current rates of interest I also make short time loans on good chattel security. J.

W. Barth, 116 Merchant St Old phona 237L May 12dtf MONEY Wo loan money tn horses, cattle, wagons, carrioges, buggies, high grado furniture, pianos, organs, watches and dia-rro: 1 or any good collateral. Money is pient and rates lower than ever. Apply to Albsrt T. Summers, 145 North Water St April 5dt-f IS MRS.

ALL1E GKAblLL, late of Spiing. tieli, 11L, has, returned to this city. Dressees made in all the latest styls fiom $2.50 to S3 for one weok unly. Will be pleas-id to st'e both old and new patrons, 1218 North Warren St 20-dG REFINED GENTLEMAN, beautiful home, but lonely, will make hom*o happiest place on earth to kind wife. Banker, 771 North Park Chicago, I1L 20-dlt IJIU BARGAINS In heating stoves, hard coal and soft cual.

Also a nice lino of cook 6toves. Decatur Auclion. 7J3 N. Water. Gei.t's Crpscent Bicycle, Lady's Cleveland bicyclo.

lG-dG CARD READING Mrs. H. Perry wishing to inform her iends that she Pas niovud from North Morgan to 9fi9 North Calhotin street Sin reads caras from 9 in the morning to 9 in tne evening. LaJie3 25, genu 5J cents. 15-dG HAVE VUUK heating stove oleanod and put up by an experienced man.

Old phone 2203 Decatur Auction. IG-uG PRICE MARKERS, Solid Rubber Type, Datit*, Ink Pads eta. Rubber Stamps for all business pnrposos. Srecial low prices to out of town oustomer attending Elk-' Carnival. The Deuatui Rubbor Stamp Works, M.

Myers, 3U1 S. Church Decatur 111. 13-Octd2t STORAGE WAREHOUSES Inspect lour large, clean brick wareho.iso, private stalls and Store householdd goods, merchandise, tiuigiaa. Our drays insure tale bundling of goods, packing done by experts. V.

H. Tel. 5, GUI N. Main. SOct-lyr LOANS On salaries, chattels and real estate, $1400, $20 0, farm or aood city i roperty.

Farms, 100, 1 ile of Like City, w.jll improvod, ricli soil $75 per aero. 80 uood rich land Marou township, $75. Deuatui Investment 141 E. Ma St. -Gept31-dif MISS NESBITT Practical opttician, has returned from Denver and will her patrons.

Open Saturday ovoning3, 155 North Water St. Sept. -8-dtf STOAGE WUREHO'TSU AND REMOVALS Spocial attention givon to storage and moving of furniture stoves, pianos, and merchandise of all kinds. Loans advanced, moving, packing, crating, shipping furniture a specialty. Old phone 1131, uew 648, P.

M. Meredith, 620 Wabash Avo. Aprilo-dtf Per Wesk. tlme Rt nays consecutively, words co.t aud ao mora FOR RENT-Furnished room on ground floor. Suitable for man and wifn con-trally located.

225 West North St. FOR KNT Nice front room with gas- furnace and bath. Mrs.C. A. Clark.

419 b. Main. 17-dG ONE FURNISHED ROOM With or without board in private family. Address or call 157 E. King.

15-dG WANTED Business men or collego students dosiring good table board in 1 ri-vate family whor* there are only two or three othor boarders, clo5e to business part of city. Address care Herald. 15-dG FOR RENT Houses in all parts of city. Some modern. Also have furnished and enfurnished rooms which can be used for light housekeeping.

Also private rooms for torage. Meriuitb Storage b20 abash Ave, Both phones. ancJtf FOB SALE-HEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE U40 acres of food high bottom land, timber enough on land to par for it. Convenient to two railroads.

Price, $12.50 per acre. Would take fine farming land or stock farm. Addiess Wood Litchfield, 111. 19-dG FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A good agricultural iniplemont house and blacksmith shop combinod. Kuildina 50x50 feet lot 70x131, Main St Good railroad town, fine farming country.

Audres3 Wood Raymond, III 17-rtG FOR SALE, RENT OR EXCHANGE Fine residence, just vacated, 2111 North Water, 8 rooms, well cistern, barn, collar. H. I. Baldwin, now phone 6S5. 15-dG FOR SALE OR RENT Modern 10 room house, 1123 N.

Edward at Baths, furnace, electric light, on car line. Occupancy given immediately. Inquire 1133 N. Edward. Seven room cottage, furnished or unfurnished, city water, etc.

1133 N. Edward. 15-dG FOR SALE The aheapest property ever sold, No. 444 I'eoiia avenue. Must be sold at once, $350 ta.es it.

Go look at it. Sewer tax paid. Clear titlo, warranty deej, $250 cash, balance on time. Address H. Peoria, III.

2w FOR SALE Havj oustumor who owns lot on North Church, cost him $300, will sjll it on the following terms: $300, pay when McEinley is elected or $100 cash when Br ran is electel. Take your choice. Lot is clear, title perfect Hruecr, 215 N. Main. 8-d6 FOR SALE 25 acre farm together with team, farm implements, some cows to trade for clear house and lot in Decatur, worth about $1500, 6 miles from Docatur, fine chance to go farming.

Possession immediately. Erueck, 215 N. Main. 8-do FOR SALE Good 5 room cottage near Decatur brewery has $300 mortgage on chance to get a home. Quit paying rent -1 1 11 will ess haben?" Brueck, 215 N.

Main 8-d6 FUR SALE Five nioe newly papered houses, on 2 lots North Main, asphalt pa.emant rents $40 per month, owner is an orphan wants to soil account health, fine opportunity to become a landlord would trade. Property is all cloan. Brueck, 215 N. Main. 8-dS FOR SALE $350 cash buys good 4 room cottage, 2 blocks north of Herkimer raved street, end west of Illinois Central, one chance in lifetime.

Title perfect. Possession immediately. "Mnch schwind" Brueck, 215 N. Main. 8-d6 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Two story dwelling on 1-3 foot lot within 3 blocks of new ei ou Want cottage in north part of Decatur.

Fine opportunity for railroad man. Good rental properly. Sou me soon. Brueck, 215 N. Main.

8-dG rOR SALE $1500 this week only buys 20 acre, farm, fair improvement, several acres una fruit, good water. 5 miles from Decatur near school and cburcb, $900 cash, balance time. Drive on. BruucK, 215 N. Main.

8-dG FOR SALE Some cash, some Kansas land and assume a little modern mortgage, 9 recurs, in tho very best part of Decatur, A. Uwa'j n. chance. Don't hold that Kansas farm any longer. BruecK.

215 N. Main. 8-dG FOR SALE 20 acres new land $1000. Timber just cleared off 1 mile south of Long Creek land is level and very rich. Fine spring water.

Would make goo bums for eneigetic man. Easy terms. Brueck, 215 N. Main. S-dG FOR SALE 00.

Three room house, located on SiUO lot nil for $i00 cash. This propery is on North Morgnn just off of Herkimer (paved) and fronts east. Owner non-resident. Hence so cheap, This is om; of tho finest lots on street Brueck, 215 N. Main.

8-dG FOR SALE Five seres on gravel road, good 5 room house, bnrn. mostly s-t in fine Iruit Possession at any time, $1500. On.i mile from city limits, north part ot town. Bruock, 215 N. Muin.

8-JG FOR SALE House ot 5 also lot on West Macon at prices will sell. Call for further particulars. Jonas Hall, clothiers. May 5dtf FOR SALE $)50 cash for fine lot in Clok-ey's Eist Park boue.ards on East Main strata. I nave "only one" at this price, so 1' you are thinking of buying get a move on you.

Title perfect, Bruoci.215 N. Main. 8-d6 FOR SALE One acre at edge of city, 4 room house and barn, 38 acres. 3 miles east, $72 per aero, 15 acres, 6 miles out, 3 room house. $81)0.

15 acres, 4 miles out improved $50 per acre. 80 acres 6 miles out, all prairie. $75 per acre. 135 acres well improved near Booily, $85 per acre. 100 good black sail, well improved in eastern Kansas, to swap for city property.

J. W. Barth, 11G Merchant St. ol-dlf FOR buys fine building lot. North Church street, last one left want to close it out belongs to an orphan who needs the money.

Titio perfect. All clear. No encumbrances. See me soon. Brueck, 215 N.

Main. 8-dG FOK SALE YIISCBLLANEOCJi, FOR SALE A largo heating stove in good condition. Will sell cheap. Inquire of Jno. Kay, 1150 E.

William, new phone 270. Oct 18-df FOR SALt Good nlne-yeer-old horse, weight about HOO.good driver.good work horse. Call on L. Is. Goolsby, Ilia E.

William St 15-dG FOR SALE Boston Musical, Flat bass. See instrument in show window of P. Philips' music houso, 149 East Main St Call and examine. 1S-UG you can see at a glance if yon may often save money at the COit au3 Yestern Points. ia each miith ho-ne -seelcer points in Alaaaiai.

lonl, Lieor- entra term of said court A. D. 19JJ, James J. Finn. Hatter ia Clianccry'of said court, will on Wednesday, the day of October, jiWQ at the hour oi o'clock p.

at the north, door of tbe court house on East Wood street, in the city of Decatur, iusaid county, offer for sale at public vendue to the highest aud best bidder for cah in liami, subject to redemption accordinj to law. the real estate in sai decree ordered to be sold; being described as follows, to-wit: Bcginnin 7.23 chains nortli of tiie southeast corner of section lour (i) in township sixteen north, range two east of the third p. thence west5.3i chains, thence north. 11.69 chains to the south side of public road, thence east the south side of said road 5.35 chains to the east line of said section four (t), thence south ii. us chains to the place of beginning, containing cy acres, situated in llacon county, Illinois.

Dated at Decatur, Illinois, this 1st day of October, A. D. laOJL James J. Finn. Master in Chancery; W.

13. Tyler, Complainant's Solicitor. XGTICE TO GRAVEL CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received by th? highway commissioners of Decatur township at the office of town olerk. at I p. Octobs :7, 190J, for the graveling of Travcr street, south end, pravel to be 10 feet in width, 11 inches on side, li inches on middle, contractor to furnish his own gravel and putiton under supervision of commissioners of highways.

Also graveling from Wafcasb railroad west a quarter of a mite, mure or less, furnish their own boards and pins, also firs' class gravel. Certified cbeck niU3taccou. pany each bid for double amount of contract. 1L Amman, H. Mahannan, O.

N. MaSitt, commissioners of bighwaj-s, Thom-Andrews. town clerk. Decatur, I1L, Oct, 15, 1S00. d-td.

THE BLUE OKASS CARRIAGE BHOP Kramer 6tanu. corner Main and Franklin 'streets; I have insurance on any vabiclo i left in my shops. Will repair and re-paint I your vehicle for spring use and insure thara iigmnst loss by Lre. JNot. 2tf SUM FOBTHE HERALD Decatur.

Illinois; Fannie Shank, half -sis icr. Clayton, Illinois; Mary Moure, half-sister, R.verton. Nebraska; Jesse iTieUlng.br otner. Pljmoutb, IllinotsvJohn Hindmaa. neplie.v, nnKiiown: Charles t.

Shinn. nephew. Illinois; Edwarl T. Shiim nephew. Uriggsviile Illinois; John F.

nephew. Griggs vllle. Illinois; Anna A. (Jrlggsville. Illinois; Aiic-: K.

Crawford, niece, ijriggsville, Illin ns; Grace L. Rhodes, ece, Pittslield. Illinois; Mary a. niece, Perry. Illinois John U.

sbinn. Grlggsville, Illinois, and all unknown heirs of the said Daniel 1. Fielding, deceased. Yon are further notiHed that the hearing of the proof of sail will has been set by said court for the 57tn day of October, A. D.

19 K), at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenaon, at the court house in Decatur in said county, when aud where you can appear, if you see lit, and show cause, if any you have, why said will should not be admitte 1 to prolmc. J. M. BOUD. County Clerk.

Dated at Decatur, Sept 28, lioa 13-dtd, EXECUTORS' of Mrs. A. A. Bilh, deceased. Tho undersigned having appointed executor of ths estate of Mrs.

A. A. Billi, late of the coui ry of Macoa and tate of Illinois, doceased, herly givea notico tiiat ho will appear before tin County Curt of Macon couuty, at the court house in Decatur, at the December term, on tho first Monday in Decembor uoxt, at wh ch time all jersons having claims against said estate ore notified and roqnested to attend for the purposo of having tho a ml adjusted. All persons indebted to said citato are requestod to mako immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 12th day of Uctober, l'JUO.

(J. h. WAGIiOXER, octl3-d3w EXECCTOR'3 BALE. Notice is Hereby given that by virtue of the power and authority vested in the undersigned as executor of the late and testament of Arthur Loose, deceased, late of Sangamon county, I.linois. I will, on Thursday, October 25in.

1900, at the north door of the temporary court house in Springfield, Illinois, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, sell at public vendue to the highest and best bidder, the following described highly improved farm lands, situate In Illi-opolis township, Sangamon county, to-vrit: Section twenty-five C25), in township seventeen (17) north, range two (2) west of the Sd p. containing WO acres, mure or less. Said lands will be first offered in parcels, by quarter sections, government su. vey, and bids therefor received; and afterwards, said lauds will be offered as an entirety, according to government survey, and if the sum bid therefor as an entirety exceeds the aggregate of the several bids by parcels, sucb entirety bid will be accepted; otherwise, the Highest and best bids by parcels will be accepted. Terms of sale one-third cash in band, balance in two equal payments due in one and two years respectively, with six per cent interest payable annually de ferred paym-nts being secured by notes and mortgage on premises sold.

Or all cash, at purchaser's option. Sale free from taxes lor the year 1'jOfl. Possession given March IstlPOl. These land9 are situated miles north of the enterprising villag of Illiopo- lis, a station on the Wauah, aud are desirable for homes or for investment For further particulars call on the undersigned at Ililopolls or bis solicitor in Spring-Held where abstract may be examined. Dated September 1st 19 ISAAC C.

LOOSE, Executor, Illiopolls, Illinois. W. L. Gross, Solicitor, Springfield, Illin oU sept3-dtd Winter Tourist Tickets to Southern Resorts. VIA Southern Railway (6895 miles) Winter Tourist Tickets on sale October 15, 1900, until April 30, 1901.

The Southern Railway is the best line to all resorts in Florida. Georgia, Alabama and the Carohnas, either via Louisville, Cincinnati, Cnattanooa or Birmingham. The Southern Railway is the best Great Trunk Line from Washington, D. C. to the South.

Best Line to Cuba. Best Line to Porto Rico. Map foldets Cuban and Porto Ri can folders, Winter Homes folders and "land of the Skv" booklets mailed to any address. All inquiries answered promptly. Patronage solicited.

All linssseSI tickets through via this eat System. Vestibuled limited trains all the time. J. C. Beam, N.

W. P. 225 Dearborn street, Chicago, C. A. T.

P. 204 Neave Bldg, Cincinnati, A. Wbedon, Passenger Agent, 230 Fourth Ave, Louisville, Kentucky. Wm. H.

TAYLOR, A. G. P. Louisville, Ky. LOW-RATE EXCURSIONS SOUTH and WEST On October 2 and 16 the Illinois Central will sell at greatly reduced rates from all points on its line in Illinois, round trip Houieseekers' excursion tick-els south to certain points on or reached by its lines in Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabam.

Also to certain points west and southwest in Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and In lian Territory. Particulars of your Illinois Central agents. A. H. flrt.ouiN, vj.

r. -i. Just what to tell you the Is selling right aioni because we keep the stock and workmanship up to the highest point of excellence possible to put in 5c goods. Hupp's the Maker la Decatur. CHANSON St.

Louis exposition at St, Louis, Mo Sept. 17 to Oct 20. One and one-third fare for rouud trip. Sept 16 to 27 inclusive, Oct 7 to iS inclusive. Limit returning five days from date of sale.

Home Seekers' Excursions 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Summer Tourist, North and Northeast and to lake points. E. W. Lynam, at Union depot.

Call on T. Peniwell, city ticket office, PETITION TO PROBATE WILL-State of IU- Mnnn comity, ss. ounty court, Jia- con county, Octobor tarrn, 1DM. Ia the matter the rrobiito of Ui3 last will anil tessuneni; 01 mii Eamau. doceasod, probate.

10 an rr- s.iiis wnorn this may concern, greeting: Notico is hereby giron, that on the sscoad day of October, A. D. 1900. a petition was Iliad in tha county court of Mucon county, Illinois, asking th.t the last will and testament of Ana Pe-mnn, deceased, be ad rait to to probate. The same petition farther Btates that the following named persons are all the heira-at-lvw and leg atees: Charles Spencer, nephew, Actelpru, i.oas Ohio: Oliver M.

Spencer, nephew. Gcahea, Clermont county. Ohio; Jesse Kinnoar, nephew, unknown; Leslie C. Mcl'herson, grana-nephew, 2t lfriKhton Place, AlVch Logan McPherson, grand-nephew, wickioy, pa. Mrs.

Mau.Ie Wagstan, rucs. Trambull county, Ohio; Caroline Spencer, wiilnw. Circleville. Ohio; Oscar II. Spencer, nephew, 211 Watt streot, Circlavillo Ohio; Mm.

Leroy bponcer uroen, niece, Siirinefiold, Ohio; Napoleon 13. Spencer, nephow, 1U5 Dayton street, Cincin nati, Ohio; Philander U. bpeecor, nepcew, oi Wost Jefferson street, bpringuom, ouio; Spencer, niece, 5H cntton street, nMn- l'nhneea Soeneor. widow. cn i atreet.

Richmond. Ind. Aliwilda Cou- ner, niece, 911 Main street, Hichmon Mrs. Eliza J. iloetlcr, ortu Main siraet, Jccutur, Mrs.

Martha 11- foster-sister, Heyworth, 111., and the inkuown heirs. Von are further nntiliid that tie hearing of the proof of said will has ben et by said conrt for the 15th day of November, v. B. ISrJJ, at the hour of 11 o'ciock ia tho fora nt thi court house in Bacatur. in sai 1 nnntv.

when and where voa can if von sne fit, aDd show cause, if any you have, why said will snomti not no H'lmum to prooate. J. M. DODX), Countv Clerk. Datod at Decatur.

October 3, 1'jUO. (4-Uttl MASTEK IN CHANCERY SALE. State of Illinois. Macon county, ss. EUzaljeth Lambert, complainant, vs.

John S. Vante, et al, defendant iu chancery in the circuit court. Xo. 17t33. Public notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of a decree of tne circuit court of aeon count in the state ct lliino is, entered in the above entitled cause attaellay.

Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)


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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

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Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.