CHERI SMITH, ELLA MAE LENTZ, KEN MIKOS - Signing Naturally_ [Student Workbook, Units 1-6]-Dawnsign Press (2008) - Flip eBook Pages 1-50 (2024)




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Signing Naturally Student Workbook, Units 1-6.
Copyright © 2008 Smith. Lentz. Mikos,
All Rights Reserved.

No part of this book (except brief quotations to be included in a review) may be reproduced.
stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted by any means. electronic, mechanical.

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Published by DawnSignPress
ISBN: 978-1-58121-210-5

Printed in China

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I Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION . . . .. . ....... . .... . . . .. . ... .. . ....... v
UN IT 1 Introducing Oneself. ..... . ......... . .... . .. . . 3

UN IT 2 Exchanging Personal Information ...... . .... 4 7

UNIT 3 Discussing Living Situations ... . ........... 109

UNIT 4 Talking about Family ............. .... . . . .. 177

UNIT 5 Telling about Activities ..... ...... .. ... .... 231

UNIT 6 Storytelling ..... ........ . . . . .... ...... .. .. 309
EXERCISES . ..... . . .... .. . . ...... . . . . ...... . . . . .. .. 375
ANSWER KEYS ... . . . . ............ ... ... . . . ..... . .. 397
TOPIC INDEX ..... .... ...... ... ........ . . ...... ... 421


Photo Credits

COLORS #1 by Chuck Baird.
Ph oto courtesy of DawnSignPress (p. 1).
FIELD OF POPPIES by Granville R. S. Redmond.
Photo courtesy of Ca lifornia Schoo l for th e Dea f. Fremont (p. 45).
HEARING IMPAIRED: wrong way/ DEAF: right way.

© 1992, Ann Silver.
Courtesy of the artist (p. 1 75).
BUY ME! I KNOW SIGN LANGUAGE by Shawn Richardson.
Photo courtesy of the artist (p. 229).

Deaf Profiles:

Andrew Foster.
Co urtesy of Galla udet University Archives. Wash ington, DC. (p. 14).

Regina Olson Hughes.
Co urtesy of Ga llaudet University Archives, Washington, DC. (p. 70) .

Douglas Tilden.
Courtesy of Gallaudet University Arc hives. Washington, DC. (p. 11 3).

Marie Philip.
Co urtesy of The Lear ning Center, Bosto n. Massachu setts. (p. 186).

Clayton Valli.
Courtesy of DawnSignPress. (p. 2 76).



The Signing Naturally Units 1-f> Student Workbook and DVDs are
designed to compliment course work in American Sign Language
(ASL). These introductory materials. along with class instruction .
give you basic vocabulary, grammar. and expressive practice to
develop your everyday conversational skills in ASL.

This introduction will cover information about what to expect in
the classroom. provide brief information about ASL. Deaf Culture.
and the Deaf community. review the materials. and tell you how to
prepare for class.

You 're Taldng an ASL Class!

Since you've enrolled in this course. you probably already have an
interest in ASL. Maybe you've seen an interpreter at a performance
or in a classroom. Or you've met a Deaf person. have a Deaf family
member, friend or neighbor. Now that you've decided to learn ASL.
be prepared to open your mind to a new language and culture.

Human communication is really a set of symbols (this applies to
signs. sounds and printed pictures or words) that users agree have
the same meaning. For ASL. an obvious difference from spoken
language is the modality. which for ASL is visual and gestural.
Students of ASL can expect to acquire many insights. not only into
the universal aspects common to all languages. but also specific
information that is found in studying ASL and learning about its
community of users.


A Brief History of ASL Similar to other language minority groups
within the U.S.. it is common for the native
For over 2 50 years. ASL has evolved in the language to be acquired within the family.
U.S. and Canada as the means for Deaf people This process is true for only 8-10% of Deaf
to express and share their ideas. needs and children who are born into families with Deaf
thoughts. Although it is primarily Deaf members. A larger percentage of Deaf chil-
people who use ASL, hearing people around dren. around 70%. are raised in hearing
them acquire and use the language also. They families that do not sign. The remaining 20°/ci
are children born to Deaf parents. siblings of of Deaf children have hearing families who
Deaf children. other family members, neigh- use ASL and embrace Deaf culture. For Deaf
bors, fri ends, co-workers, supervisors or em- children. the Deaf residential school has been
ployees of Deaf people. Since the mid-l 960s the primary venue for learning ASL. The
when linguists recognized ASL as a distinct constant exposure to signing Deaf peers,
language (something that was true all along, Deaf teachers and dorm counselors has made
but only "discovered in the 1960s). a growing it possible for the children to develop fluency
number of hearing people have elected to in the language. For Deaf children. the Deaf
learn ASL in major colleges. universities. and residential school has been a primary venue
high schools throughout the country. for learning ASL. The constant exposure to
signing Deaf peers, Deaf teachers. and dorm
The origins of ASL can be traced to a couple counselors has made it possible for the
of major historical influences. There is children to develop fluency in the language.
evidence that in the 1600s some of the
inhabitants of Martha's Vineyard off Cape Bilingual Education and Oralism
Cod had a genetic pool that resulted in a large The early 19th century saw ASL flourish
number of Deaf people in the community. through residential schools. which had
This in turn resulted in naturally formed immense success in Deaf education utilizing
signing communities on the island. Likewise. ASL and written English. Gallaudet Univer-
on the mainland. various indigenous signs sity was founded in 18 64 with a charter
were used where Deaf people were members signed by President Abraham Lincoln.
of villages. These regional sign languages Gallaudet University was (and still is) a
were brought by the students to the first bastion for using signing in higher education
school for the Deaf founded in Hartford. as well as contributing to the standardization
Connecticut, in 1817. ASL among Deaf people in other states where
many graduates returned home to teach.
The second major influence was French Sign
Language, brought by the school's founders. From there, highly evolved Deaf signing com-
Laurent Clerc, a Deaf teacher from France, munities formed complex networks all across
and Thomas Gallaudet. a hearing American the country. The communities maintained
m inister. The blending of the indigenous sign constant contact through organized sports.
la nguage and French sign language formed conferences. social and political events. and
the basis for ASL today. the arts.


However, a pivotal moment in ASL and Deaf years was the ability to continue networking
America's history occurred in 1880, with with each other at the Deaf clubs. Gallaudet
repercussions that arc still being felt today. At University, and other social events.
the International Congress on the Education
of the Deaf Conference in Milan, Italy, educa- The 1960s aml Omvard
tors who supported oral instruction for Dea r
students successfully blocked the influence In the 1960s, linguists at Callaudet
of educators supporting Sign language. Un iversity proved that ASL is a fully
The congress voted in favor or oral education developed independent language unrelated
for all Deaf children. In a span of 40 years to English. From there, a resurgen ce of a
following the conference, the percentage positive view of ASL and Deaf culture em-
of Deaf children being taught by the oral powered Deaf people to reclaim control of the
method grew from a very small percentage institutions that impact their lives. In 1988,
to an astounding 8Q<X). Before that. Deaf when the Board of Trustees at Ga llaudet Uni-
teachers constituted 45% of all teachers of versity selected a hearin g president who
the Deaf, but that figure went down to only didn't know ASL, the students staged a
11 %. In many parts of Europe, Deaf teachers weeklong protest and succeeded in appoint-
were dismissed because they were unable ing the first Deaf president of the university.
to teach speech. The oral approach to Deaf
education became a contentious issue for Interestingly, while Deaf people have strug-
the next century and a half, reflecting the gled for decades to bring ASL back to the
broader society's misplaced belief that spoken classroom as the language of inst ru ct ion in
language is superior to sign language. Deaf education, ASL enjoys tremendous
popularity among hearing parents and their
Fortunately, during that time, Deaf children babies. Literature shows that learning signs
lived most of the year at schools. Despite not early in infancy has a positive effect on
understanding much of what went on in the general language development and enhances
classroom. after school. in the dormitory and the parent-child relation ship. Studies further
on the playing fields, ASL was still used to ex- show that signing babies understand more
change information, to share understandings words. have a larger vocabu lary and engage
and learn other life lessons. Generally, at best. in more sophisticated play than non-signing
ASL was tolerated by the staff in the dormito- babies. Yet the language has not been system-
ries. This approach (banning signing in the atically made available to many Deaf babies.
classroom, and tolerating it outside the class-
room) took its toll on the general Deaf com- Issues surrounding ASL and Deaf education
munity. Deaf people's perception of ASL and continue to be contentious. but the resiliency
themselves as capable human beings dimin- of ASL in the face of many obstacles is a
ished drastically. Confidence and pride waned testament to its value in meeting the pmverful
as the quality of education declined for Deaf human need for communication.
people. What carried them through those


A Brief Introduction to Deaf Culture culture. This includes sharing information
and offering updates on what is going on in
There are two popular uses of the word the Deaf world as well as the broader world.
culture. One means to have a sophisticated In fulfilling this duty to the group, one tends
taste or to be well read. appreciate art, to develop long-term relationships and com-
literature, cuisine-to be cultured. The other plex networking systems. Similar to more
use of culture relates to the unique attributes than 70% of cultures in the world (many
of a certain group of people. Various groups found in Africa. Asia and Latin America),
of people develop distinctive ways of describ- in Deaf culture the group comes before the
ing. valuing. and behaving in the world. This individual. Although the Deaf community
is their culture. Anthropologists have been recognizes individual achievements and
formally studying world cultures for years. talents, contributing to the group's success
and mindful people have been pondering and is very highly valued. This is different than
examining culture as long as human societies in American culture where great emphasis
have existed. Yet. having a deep understand- is placed on independence, self-reliance,
ing of culture still can be elusive. achievement and individual success.

One way of understanding a culture is to One visible cultural behavior among Deaf
look at how the members identify themselves. signers is how their eyes are used during
Over the years different terms have been used signed interactions. For example, while
to refer to Deaf people. Some older terms are watching another person sign. they would
considered offensive today and should not be focus on the signer's face, while reading the
used, especially "deaf and dumb" and "deaf signs within their peripheral vision. This is to
mute." The terms "hearing impaired," get valuable information about the grammar
"deaf and hard of hearing," or "people of the sentence which is shown simultane-
with hearing loss" have been used by public ously on the face.
institutions. political groups. and some
individuals, as an attempt to be inclusive. Another visible cultural behavior among
but those terms focus on what is perceived Deaf signers is how they get other people's
as lacking or lost. The term "Deaf" with a attention. Examples are waving in others'
capital "D" is an inclusive term because it peripheral vision, tapping on certain parts
focuses on what people llave-a living of the body and/or hitting a surface to
culture. an available language. and the create vibrations.
infinite, untapped possibilities being Deaf
can offer. Yet another visible cultural behavior is how
Deaf people locate themselves and move
People within Deaf culture value being kept among people in signing situations. For
informed about the environment, the com- example, if a path is blocked by two signers
munity, a nd its members. Since the majority conversing. the Deaf person does not wait
culture's primary ways of disseminating until the signers stop talking, bend down to
information are not visually centered, Deaf pass. or find another path, but just walks
people are expected to have a sense of social through.
obligation and duty to others within Deaf


It's considered rude when one watches a of them developed indi genously by Deaf
signed conversation in public and not inform people in their coun tries.
the signers you know ASL. Additionally. a
person who knows ASL and chooses to speak What to Expect ill tile Classroom
without signing in front of Deaf people can
be considered disrespectful and insensitive to All communication in th e classroom will be
Deaf people. in ASL. This approach. which immerses you
in the language. is the best way to become
Throughout this book there are examples of comfortable with the language. retain what
cultural behavior typical in the Deaf commu- you've learned. and improve both your
nity. Since the concept of culture is complex. receptive and expressive skills.
it may take time and personal experience to
identify the distinctive qualities of Deaf cul- There are no English equivalents in this work-
ture and more fully understand them. Until book. That means. while there are some signs
you have more exposure to and connection that have a brief description in English to help
with Deaf culture. it is best to have an open you grasp the meaning. avoid "assigning" the
mind. be respectful. and enjoy the uniqueness meaning of an English word to an ASL sign.
of Deaf culture and the challenge and fun of Many ASL signs simply arc not directly tra ns-
using ASL. latable to English words. So if you develop a
habit of seeing ASL signs and doing a mental
Debunl<ing Some Myths about ASL run through of English. you will often make
wrong sign choices. ASL signs are best
Probably the most important myth to debunk learned through use and context.
is that ASL is not a visual code for English,
written or spoken. The differences are signifi- Often students are tempted to hold on to the
cant. ASL and English use different modalities crutch of English by speaking while signing.
(visual/gesture/ as opposed to aural/oral). This is not a good idea. Trying to speak and
and have different phonology and grammar. sign results in bad ASL syntax and gra mm ar.
For new students. it is important to avoid The faster you can develop a complete
reliance on English syntax and usage while reliance on ASL only when signing. the
signing. since this will result in a poor more quickly you will progress.
command of ASL.
The classroom most likely will be set up so all
Another common myth to debunk is that ASL students sit in a semi-circle so that every one
is a language of pictures and pantomime. If can see each other. Visually based lan gu age
true. nobody would have problems under- relies on people being able to see each other
standing ASL! Although some signs in ASL to see what is being signed. Watching every
appear to have features similar to actual conversation. sign. and exch a nge will benefit
things or actions. most ASL signs do not. your own language skill s.

Another myth to debunk is that ASL is a
universal language understood by all signers
in the world. In fact. there are hundreds of
identified sign languages in the world. most


C.trd111J\numb1.·r,.arcu-.cdto1l'ilhowmanyorfurrnun 1111g.
Student Workbook
~...,,,., Crrrdimrl \uml1r r~ 1- i
The Student Workbook is used in the class- •\, ~·ou walch Iva demonslrak lhc'ic nu m bt.·r-•. nolu:c 1h1.·
room. and also used outside the class. along folio\\ mg
with the Student DVDs. for additional study.
review, and practice. The workbook is impor- ~ C11rcliual 1\ '11ml1as 6-9
hy11u \\ dld1 lvatfo mon ..1r.ilcthc--cnumbcr'\,no111.:c 1hc
tant and should be brought to each class. following
· pal111f.ic1.-sout
The workbook has several sections:
• ldpfingcr-.Jn tl lh um btwit't.'
•Homework • fmgcr,.indtlmmbdonolo\crlap
Homework is numbered by Unit. and
corresponds with a lesson learned in 6 ''NIT 1 • INTROl>'" l'i<~ ONESHF
class. For example. Homework 1.1
corresponds to your first lesson from GreriirrfJ.'i - - - - -- - - - - - - -
Unit 1. The teacher will tell you which
homework to complete after each class. [t!]U!J
Homework is mostly video-related and
each homework section has instructions ,\ 'mm· - - - -- - -- - - - - -
for you to follow.
rnWl1 ~ \\ 'ordQ1 m 1,'\im1s_ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
•Vocabulary Review
Each unit has a vocabulary review section Ci!J
that includes important signs from the used to ask what, used to ask who, as in used t o ask for the
lesson and your homework. The video as in a definition identification of a person locat ion of something
captures on the page have corresponding
video for you to watch. study and 3 7V 0 C A 8 U L A N Y A l V l l W

• Classroom Exercises
These exercises are used in the classroom
as part of the lesson. The exercises are
developed specifically to provide the
opportunity to use grammatical
feature(s) and reh earse new vocabulary
you learned during th e lesson. Your
teacher will tell you when to open
your workbooks to these pages.

• Video Captures
The printed video captures arc a reference
to the clip on th e video for that sign or
phrase. Studying th e video will always be
a better way to review signs. but th e
printed video captures also have arrows
added to show moti on.


The basic five parameters of every sign arc •Repetitive arrows indicate that the sign's
handshape. palm orientation. location, movement repeats twice or more.
movement. and "non-manual" features such
as facial expressions. When evaluating a A touch is when part of the sign touches the
video capture to study a sign. first identify chest. shoulder. or other part of the body.
how each of these elements contributes to Touches arc shown with touch marks.
the sign.
When a sign is supposed to be "wiggled" or
Because ASL is a visually active language moved back and forth slightly. there will be
the most difficult requirement of a sign wiggle marks indicating this. Here are
illustration is to show movement. To facilitate examples of wiggle marks.
the three-dimensional nature of signs,
illustrations incorporate a number of helpful

Arrows show the direction. path. and
repetition of the movement. Here are the
arrows you will see.

•Directional arrows point in the direction
the sign is to be made.

•Bi-directional arrows indicate a back and The video captures in this book are meant
forth motion. only as a reference point to the DVD. The
DVD is the main source of information about
•Path arrows show you the path of the the signs. and you should use it as the
sign's movement. primary source of information about the
signs included in this book.

You will also see video captures in a rounded
box. these do not have a corresponding clip
on the DVDs. Those captures look like this.


Tlze Student DVDs As video clips play, the "navigation bar"
remains on the screen. indicating which unit
The Student DVDs contain video clips that and homework you are watching (see the
correspond to h omework in the workbook. close up below). For example, if the number
Vocabulary Review sections help you study shows 1:2. it means you are watching
the signs in a "stand alone" way, outside of a Homework 1 from Unit 2.

There are two DVDs. disk one, and disk two.
Disk one contains the video material for Units
1-3. and disk two contains the video material
for Units 4-6.

The main menu of the DVD looks like this.


At the end of video clips that require you to
write. draw. or answer, two symbols appear
that allow you to play the section again, or
move on to the next numbered question.

UNIT 1 2 3

After you select a Unit. a Homework menu 0
appears so you can choose the homework
section you wa nt to study. For the Vocabulary CIRCLE THE NUMBER CJ I I>
Review of that unit, you will see VR. Se]ect
that to study the vocabul ary for the unit.

After you have watched all of the video clips
for a specific homework, the DVD brings you
back to the homework menu so you can
choose which clips to watch next.

MEET THE ACTORS 2 3 5 6 7 I>


Remember these things when using the Uuil 6
1. All or the instructions for how to USC the Unit 6 is a storytellin g unit. The goal of Unit 6
is to help you develop yo ur narrati ve skills in
video to complete your homework appear ASL. Your teacher will decide when to assign
in the workbook. Read all instructions in homework from this unit, and it may be that
the workbook before starting any activity. homework from this unit is assigned a long-
2. The DVDs are designed for you to complete side homework from other units as you
the homework section in one sitting. If you progress through the class.
need to skip forward in the DVD, use your
remote control or DVD controls on your How to Prepare for Class
computer. The video must be playing
to skip forward, you can't skip forward The amount of time you spend using ASL
through the numbered sections of the outside of class will greatly increase your
DVD unless the video is playing. ability to retain new vocabulary. One easy
way to help remember what you learned in
The signers in the Student DVDs are identified class is to do your homework as soon as you
by their actual names in the workbook. can. In a single day a person can lose up to
unless they are acting out a story or dialogue 40% of what they have learned!
using another name. You can "meet" the
actors by playing the section on the Unit 1 It is also helpful to form study groups with
menu. other classmates. Even if you come to class
10 minutes early and converse in ASL with
others. it will be a good reinforcement of
what you've learned.

MEET THE ACTORS 2 3 5 6 7 IJ>-


Things to Remember as You Please Don't Speak in Class
Learn ASL Even if you think whispering to your neigh-
bor will not disrupt the classroom, remember
Why no English? that to listen in ASL means you are looking at
Often new students wonder why there are no the person signing and giving them your full
English words offered as "equivalents" to ASL attention. If you are talking in class. you not
signs. There is a concept in language learning only interrupt your own learning. but you
called linguistic interference. This happens take others attention away from what is being
when one language's structure, meaning. taught. If you must get another person's
and vocabulary hinders language students' attention, please use behaviors appropriate to
ability to engage with the second language a visual. signing environment (see page 3 3
on its own. It can be tempting to try and find for information about this topic).
English words that "match" signs. But it is
best to leave English outside the classroom, Relax and Have Fun!
and it has intentionally been separated from As is true for all language courses that rely on
ASL signs in the book and videos. immersion techniques. you may feel lost or
unsure at times. But remember that the more
In this introductory set of materials. basic you express yourself and learn to understand
meanings of signs are used, as is appropriate other signers. your progress with ASL will be
for new students. There are often many other smoother and more enjoyable.
nuances and meanings for signs that are not
possible to cover in an introductory course.
Please do not limit your understanding of an
ASL sign by thinking there is a one-to-one
correspondence to English words.

Another type of linguistic interference hap-
pens when you try to sign and speak at the
same time. If you try this, your first language
will most likely supercede the correct gram-
mar for ASL, and often result in using the
wrong signs to express what you want to say.

Both ASL a nd English are natural languages
that can express a nything. but they are also
separate la nguages. Try to begin to think in
ASL, matching concepts to signs. Your study
of the language will benefit greatly.


Colors # 1 Chuck Baird

Signing "color," a model's outspread
hand. with each finger a different shade.
is held to her mouth.

-L. K. Elion, Chuck Baird: 35 Plates


I Introducing Oneself

HOMEWORK 1:1 Strategies for Learning ASL 4

HOMEWORK 1:2 Cardinal Numbers 1-10 8

HOMEWORK 1:3 Fingerspelling Names 14
Fist Letters 1 ()

HOMEWORK 1:4 Deaf Prol1le: Andrew Foster 21
HOMEWORK 1:5 Conversation 1: Wh-Word Questions
Beginning and Ending Conversations ,_,.,.
Maintaining Eye Contact
HOMEWORK 1:6 Cardinal Numbers 11-15 30

HOMEWORK 1:7 Cultural: Ways of Communicating 31
with Others
HOMEWORK 1:8 Conversation 2: Identify a Person 34
HOMEWORK 1:9 Inside. Above. and Below

HOMEWORK 1:10 Commands Involving the Body
Commands Involving Objects

HOMEWORK 1:11 Test Your Eye-Q
Picture It

HOMEWORK 1:12 Cultural: Getting Others' Attention





I' I•••. - .. -


To increase your language leanzi11g in the classroom,
develop the following habits:

1. Build a language community.
Try not to miss class. especially at the beginning. Your class
strives to form a language community: the cohesiveness of
the group influences how rich the language exchange is in
the classroom. Missing class makes it difficult to achieve this
interactive environment. Maintain a signing environment in the
classroom. during class breaks, before class begins. and when-
ever Deaf people are present.

2. Minimize reliance on English as you listen or converse
in ASL.
Leave English (and your voice) outside the door. Try not to
translate in your head as you watch someone sign. At first,
this will be difficult to do but as you become more fluent. the
temptation should lessen. Do not worry about taking notes
during class. Instead use class time to immerse yourself in the
language by interacting with the teacher and other students
using ASL. The student DVD and workbook will help you retain
the language introduced in class.

3. Focus on meaning rather than individual signs.
When your teacher tells a story. gives instructions. or explains
a concept, try not to worry about a sign you missed or don't
know. Instead, focus on the meaning of what's being said. If
a particular sign is repeated over and over. and you still can't
figure out its meaning. then ask the teacher. Try to avoid asking
your classmates for an English translation. You would lose out
on valuable communication experiences needed to strengthen
your comprehension skills.


4. Focus on the signer's face, not on the hands for two very
important reasons.
First. a lot of grammar is in th e facial expression so to really
know what is said, yo u mu st see both the facial expression and
what is signed: seco ndly, it is considered rude to look away from
the signers' face while they are sign ing to you.

5. Show you understand the signer.
Nod to show you are following along; give a puzzled look when
you are not. Develop active listening beh av iors like nodding,
responding with the signs "huh ?" "wow." or "really?" Listeners
have very active roles in signed conversations. Actively listening
increases yo ur comprehension skills and optimizes your learn-
ing. Participate as much as possible by adding comments, agree-
ing or disagreeing, etc. Follow all conversations whether they
are between teacher and class. teacher and student. or
student and student. The more you participate. th e more you
will retain what you learn.

• Choose a strategy you will work on for the next month.
• Write down the number and explain why you chose that strategy.
• Submit the paper next class.




Cardinal numbers are used to tell how many or for counting.

Cardinal Numbers 1-5

As you watch Iva demonstrate these numbers. notice the
• palm faces in
• fingers spread apart when signing numbers 2-5

1 23


o Cardinal Numbers 6-9

As you watch Iva demonstrate these numbers, notice the
• palm faces out
• tap fingers and thumb twice
• fingers and thumb do not overlap


6 7 89

Cardinal Numl1er 10

As you watch Iva demonstrate this number. notice the following:
• extend thumb upward
• slightly rock hand back and forth

10 0 Sign the Numbers

Now you count from 1to10. Try to sign the number before Joey,

then check to see if you've signed it correctly!

o Circle tlie Numl1er

Numbers 3. 6 and 9. and 7 and 8. are often confused for each
other. Practice recognizing these numbers.

Circle the number signed:

1. 3 6 9

2. 7 8 9
3. 3 6 9
4. 7 8 9
5. 3 6 9
6. 7 8 9
Answers 011 page 3Y7.

Write the Number

Now write down the number signed.
1. 6. _ _ _ _ _ __
2. _ _ _ _ __ 7. _______
3. _ _ _ __ 8. _______
4. _ _ _ _ __ 9. _______
5. _ __ __ _ 10. _ _ _ __
A11swers are giFc11 i11 clnss.




In the Deaf community. you introduce yourself by fingerspelling
your name. Fingerspelling is a skill that requires a lot of practice to
become proficient. Here are a few insider tips- learn them well
and you'll be on your way.

0 Fingerspelling Flow

When you fingerspell a word. work on the continuous flow of one
letter to the next. rather than spelling the word letter by letter.
Avoid "bouncing" or "stamping" the letters as you spell.

o Arm Position

Keep your elbow down and your arm relaxed.

incorrect correct


Hmul Posilio11 1: Fillgerspelli11fJ lo Pcrsoll i11 Prolll

When you t1ngerspell words to someone in front of you. be sure to
keep your hand within what we call the "sightline"- thc visual
space between your face and your listener's face. Your hand
should be in front of your chin or slightly below. This way your
listener can easily see both your fa ce and your hand.

J correct


0 Hand Positio11 2: Fingerspelling to Person

Next to You

When you fingerspell to a person on either side of you. orient your
hand toward the person and within the sightline.

To a person on your non-dominant side

incorrect correct

To a person on your dominant side

incorrect correct

HOMEW ORK 1 :3 9

o Hand Position 3: Fingerspelling to Someone
above You

When you sit and fingerspell to a person who is standing, move
your hand up to face the listener within the sightline.


incorrect correct

Reading Fingerspelling

Reading someone's fingerspelling is not easy. It takes time to
develop the skill. Everyone approaches fingerspelling differently.
But all agree that it takes practice. practice, and more practice.
Here are a few suggestions.
• work on recognizing the shape and the movement of letters and

letter combinations. Begin with names of your classmates. Pick
out two or three students at a time and learn to recognize their
name when the teacher does the roll call. Continue adding two
or three more names. until you can recognize everyone's name.
• work on catching the first and last letters of the word and use
context (what is being discussed) to help you guess the word
•don't be timid. Ask the person to spell the word again and
again- until you understand the word. Keep a list of words you
have trouble with and ask a study buddy to spell the list to you.



The manual alphabet is handshapes associated with the 26 lettcrs
in the English alphabet. You will learn more about how and wh en
to use those handshapcs throughout this workbook. We begin
with practicing the "fist" letters here. which include the following
letters- A E I 0 S T M N .
For all these letters. the thumb is an important clement in forming
the letters correctly. Pay attention to the thumb position.
o View. Cinnie demonstrates the dos and don 'ts of forming the
"fist" letters.

The letter "A"
The thumb is straight up flush to the hand.
Do not bend thumb over the fingers. The fingers are not tucked in.

The letter "E"
At least two fingers must sit on the thumb.
Do not have the thumb overlap the fingers.

The letter "I"
The thumb curves over the index finger and stays tight to the fist.

The letter "O"
Do not make a perfectly round "O" shape. instead make a relaxed
"oval-shaped 0."

HOMEWORK 1 : 3 11

The letter "S"
This is the "true fist." Fingers are tucked in and the thumb straps
over th e index and middle fingers.

The letter "T"
Relax the index finger that crosses over the thumb. The index
finger does not have to curl down tightly. The other fingers are not
tucked in.

The letters "N" and "M"
The fingers sit softly on the thumb.

,( ,(

o Practice

On the DVD. Tyrone demonstrates these letter combinations.
Practice copying until you feel comfortable.

NOTE: A chart illustrat- 1. am an at

ing all 26 letters of the 2. ea en es

alphabet can be found

on pages 19-20. 3. ma mo mi

4. na ne no

5. oe on is

6. sa se st

7. ta te to

8. en es ie

9. im mo me

10. ne no ni


Circle the Letter

WatchTyr ne and circle the lett r combinati n given.

1. ae ao a

2. a so e

3. n st sm

4. mi ni ti

5. mi ei si

6. ei ie ai

7. en on sn

8. ta sa na

9. oe OS oa

10. ea oa OS
Answers on page 397.

0 Circle the Letter 2

Watch Tyrone and circle the letter combination given.

1. ae ao as

2. sa so se

3. sn st sm

4. mi ni ti

5. mi ei si

6. ei ie ai

7. en on sn

8. ta oa na

9. oe OS oa

10. ea oa OS

Answers nre given in class.

HOMEWORK 1:3 1 3


ANDREW FOSTER (1925-1987)
Andrew J. Foster spent his life dedicated to improving education for

Deaf people. A teacher, pioneer. and missionary, his legacy lives on
in the many schools he opened in West Africa.

Foster was born in a steel-mill town near Birmingham. Alabama
and attended the Alabama School for the Colored Deaf in Talladega
after losing his hearing at the age of 11. At the Alabama school, he
learned ASL and became a life-long proponent of the language. At
17. Foster moved to Michigan. taking night classes and working
odd jobs. He was accepted at Gallaudet University in 19 51 as one
of the first of three Black Deaf students to be enrolled at the school.

While attending Gallaudet Foster saw an address book of world
Deaf schools. which listed only 12 in Africa. Foster felt called to
service, writing that he was "moved by this vast educational and
spiritual void among my people." He received his Bachelor's Degree
in 19 54. and in the next two years received a Masters degree from
Eastern Michigan University. and a second Masters from Seattle
Pacific Christian College.

He was deeply determined to help Deaf people in Africa, but strug-
gling to find help for his mission. he founded the Christian Mission
for_!he Deaf (CMD) iqJ..956. He went to Africa in 19 57. Within a
year, he had established the first school for the Deaf in Accra,
Ghana in a small room borrowed from a church. Twelve students
attended the first year. The school quickly grew to 5 3 Deaf stu-
dents. Children met from 4 to 5 in the afternoon. and adults met
from 6-7 in the evening. By 1959 the school had a waiting list of
over 100. and in five years. the waiting list was over 300.

In the following years. Foster continued his life's work, opening
schools for the Deaf all over West Africa. He went to Nigeria and
opened three more schools before 1962. In all. he established 31
schools for the Deaf in thirteen countries including Ghana. Benin,


"Emplo!JillfJ restrictive Congo. Chad. Ivory Coast. Kenya. Nigeria. Sierra Leone, and
awl suppressive menus Cameroon. He also founded the African Bible College for the Deaf
of comm1micaliou and became the President of the Council for the Education and
to aclrieve uormalcu Welfare of the Deaf in Africa. The schools used sign language.
seems as illogical as becoming oases of communication for Deaf people. In recognition
it is impractical." of his amazing achievements. Gallaudet University awarded him
the Honorary Doctorate in 19 70.
Foster believed
tlrat freedom of A staunch supporter of educating Deaf children through sign
COl1l11l111licatio11 \VllS language, Foster said in his 19 75 keynote speech at the World
the fwy to educatiou, Federation of the Deaf conference in Washington DC, "Employing
and that freedom was restrictive and suppressive means of communication to achieve
achieved through sign normalcy seems as illogical as it is impractical." Foster believed
lauguage. that freedom of communication was the key to education. and that
freedom was achieved through sign language.

He spent years training teachers in Africa. offering intensive
teaching courses new teachers could go on to set up schools of
their own. By 1974. there were 70 Deaf schools in Africa.
Continuing his training through the 80s. Foster also continued
traveling the world speaking and fundraising for his cause,
touching 4 7 of the 50 U.S. states. speaking throughout Europe
and traveling to 2 5 African countries. In 198 7 Foster died at the
age of 62 in a plane crash in Rwanda and was buried there.

His inspiring life is evident in the many ways his memory is

honored. The National Association of the Deaf's Andrew J.

Foster Award recognizes excellence in teaching at their biennial
conference. Gallaudet University and the National Black Deaf
Association (NEDA) established the Andrew Foster Endowment
that offers scholarships to college-bound African-American
students. There is the Andrew Foster Auditorium at Gallaudet
University, with a bronze bust of Foster installed in front of the
auditorium in 2004. a gift from the NBDA.

The most lasting tributes to Foster's legacy are the schools and
their students. Today there are over 300 schools in Africa. Where
there once was no education for Deaf people, these schools offer
elementary and in some cases high school education to their
students. Some have managed to send students to Gallaudet

HOMEWORK 1:4 1 5


- • "~ I ,._ ·' . . ' . . ' - < - •• • '-



Michelle (A) and Ben (B) demonstrate this dialogue where they
introduce themselves. (Note Michelle uses the name "Ann'' and
Ben uses the name "Sam").

Signer A: Greet, give name, and then ask for name
Signer B: Give name

A & B: Express pleasure in meeting each other


When you ask questions using spoken English. you use vocal
intonation to indicate what kind of question you are asking. For
example. asking this English question ':Are you a student?" your
voice will go up at the end, and if you ask this question "What is
your name?", your voice goes dmvn at the end. Similarly, ASL
speakers ask questions using facial expressions. head movements.
and pauses called non-manual markers. Like English. there are
two basic question types in ASL-a wh-word question and a
yes-no question. We will discuss the second type in Unit 2 so ,,ve
will focus on the first type here: a wh-word question. Wh-,,vord
questions ask what. who, where. why. how. etc.

To ask a wh-word question. use these non-manual markers:
• furrow brows together
•lean head fonvard slightly without breaking eye contact with the

• hold the last sign (which should be a wh-\vord sign) until your

listener starts to answer


ask for name
Ask for Name . Shown in slow motion, Michelle demon strates
"ask for name " from Conversation 1. Pay close attention to the
non-manual markers indicated by the arrows on video.


Since starting and stopping conversations can sometimes be
awkward. especially for people new to ASL. it helps to know how
these signs are used:

These two signs are greeting. or salutations.

This sign is used to get attention.
Although the phrase below may be used after an exchange of
names, it is also a possible way to wrap up a first meeting.

HOMEW OR K 1 :5 1 7


Be sure to look at the signer's face, even though you may feel
you would understand better if you could focus on their hands.
Remember that critical grammar is conveyed with facial expres-
sions, and if you look away, you could miss the whole message.
Eventually it will become second nature to focus on the other
signer's face when using ASL.


David engages in conversations with different people where he
asks wh-word questions. Observe the exchange and write what
David asked in each minidialogue.

Minidialogue 1: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Minidialogue 2: __________________

Minidialogue 3: __________________

Minidialogue 4: _________________

Minidialogue 5: _________________

Minidialogue 6: __________________
A11swers 011 page 398.


Practice creating wh-word questions using the three wh-word
signs below. Don't forget to furrow your brows, lean your head
forward and hold the last sign.

ask what ask who ask where

Vocabulary covered in this lesson is on pages 3 7-38.

Chart of Mamwl Alpllabet

For your referen ce. here are th e handshapcs used for th e 2 h letters of the alphabet.




MN0 p

Q Rs T


u vw

Assignment xy z

List your classmates' names below. Use this chart to help you
practice fingerspelling their names.



Cardinal Numbers 11, 12

As you watch Iva demonstrate these numbers. keep in mind the
fo llowing:
• palm faces in
• finger(s) "flick" out from underneath thumb twice
•for number 12, keep extended fingers separated

11 12

° Cardinal Numbers 13-15

As you watch Iva demonstrate these numbers. notice the
• palm faces in
• keep extended fingers closed
•for nu mber 14. tuck thumb in
• move extended fingers toward you twice

13 14 15

HOMEWORK 1 :6 21

Sign the Numbers

Now count up to 15. Try to sign the numbers before Joey, then
check if you signed it correctly!

Circle the Number

In this activity, Joey will sign the numbers. Practice recognizing
and distinguishing between numbers that appear similar to each

Circle the number signed:

1. 1 2 11 12

2. 2 3 12 13

3. 4 5 14 15

4. 1 2 11 12

5. 2 3 12 13

6. 4 5 14 15

7. 1 2 11 12

8. 2 3 12 13

9. 4 5 14 15

10. 1 2 11 12

11 . 2 3 12 13

12. 4 5 14 15

Answers on page 398.

Write the Number

Now you will see phrases with numbers from 1to15. Write down
only the number given.
1. 6 . 11 .

2. 7. 12.

3. 8. 13.
4 . 9. 14.

5. 10. 15.
Answers are given in class.




As you learn sign . you might bump into Deaf person at work.
school. or on the street. Let them know that you sign. If the setting
is appropriate and the Deaf person has time, they will be happy
to chat with you. If they are in a hurry. the person might excuse
himsclr or herself. In any case. it is important to let the Deaf
person be in the lead in setting the communication mode.

Here are strategies Deaf people might use to communicate with
Signing. Deaf people are very encouraging of new signers and will
be patient with your signing skills. If the conversation is stalling.
the Deaf person may switch to another strategy to help along the
Gestures. If signing in ASL doesn't work. the Deaf person may use
easily understood gestures to get their message across. pointing.
or acti ng things out.
Writing or typing. This strategy is a sure and clear way to convey a
message. When communicating with someone they know. a Deaf
person can use email or instant messaging. For "face-to-face'
communication messages can be typed out on a pager and shown
to the hearing person. or if needed. notes can be written back and
forth on a piece of paper.
Third person. In casual settings. a Deaf person may ask a hearing
person who signs to relay information for them.
Lipreading and speech. A very small percentage of Deaf people
use this strategy. and use it for predictable. limited exchanges of
information. For most Deaf people, however. this strategy is not
preferred, since it often leads easily to misunderstandings.

Regardless of the strategy. the goal is to communicate. These are
the things that you need to remember to do to as new signers:
• Let the Deaf person know you sign
• Avoid spoken English or using voice \Vithout relaying information

in ASL
• Let the Deaf person set the communication mode



SUGGESTION: Look c Circle tlze Name then Cross Out tlze Name
over the names below
before watching. Tyrone fingerspells one name from each row. For the first round,
circle the name spelled. For the second round. cross out the name

1. Tami Tim Tom

2. Nina Tina Ina

3. Tami Sina Sami

4. Mae Moe Mona

5. Naomi Toni Stan

6. Sean Sina Sam

7. Mimi Tami Mia

8. Ines Ina Ian

Answers 011 page 39 9.

Write tlze Name

Write down the name Tyrone gives.

l. _ _ _ _ __ 4. _ _ _ _ __

6. _ _ _ _ __

Answers are giPen in class.

Now. practice fingerspclling the names above until you arc

The hands on the statue of Abraham Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial
in Washington DC appear to spell out the initials A and L. Legend
has it that Daniel Chester French, the famed sculptor, was influenced
by his earlier bronze sculpture found on the Gallaudet University
campus of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet teaching a Deaf girl whose
hand is forming the letter of her first name, Alice.




Iva (A) and David (B) demonstrate this conversation where
someone else in their immediate environment is identified.

Signer A: Spell a name, ask whose name it is

Signer B: Identify who (raise brows)
• gender
• brief description
• point out and glance

A: Glance and nod

B: Affirm (nod)


In class you practiced identifying fellow classmates. Here are some
important points to remember.
• gender

as you state the person's gender. raise your brows and keep them
raised while you finish identifying the person.
• brief description
in the description. mention things that will easily distinguish the
person from others surrounding him/ her. In your description,
mention items easily visible such as hair color, shirt color, facial
features, eyeglasses, or headwear.
• point out the person and glance at the person at the same time
after giving the description, point out the person and glance at
him/her. Point with your index finger and with the arm slig htly
• affirm
after listener confirms s/ he knows who you arc referring to. you
can nod to affirm "that's him /her. "


Sign Tip Failure to nod may result in the signer repeating his/her
description because s/he assumes you don't know who s/he
is referring to.

o Identify a Person

Shown in slow motion. David demonstrates how to identify a
person from Conversation 2. You will see arrows showing the four
points used to identify a person.

tell who: identify person
It's not rude to point in a signing environment. In fact. pointing is
used frequently as a sign-to indicate you. others, or an object or
location. Pointing is an essential part of ASL. So the next time you
spot someone pointing at you, don't worry. They're probably
saying something flattering.


View the six video conversations. Answer questions about each
conversation. Circle Mor F for gender. Write the name spelled.
Select the letter of the item and the number of the color and fill
in the blanks.



COLORS Minidialogue 1
gender: M F name:
D description: color _ __ _ __ item _ _ _ _ __


34 Minidialogue 2 name:
gender: M F
description: color _ _ _ _ _ _ item _ _ _ _ __
Minidialogue 3*
78 gender: M F name:
description: color ______ item ______
Minidialogue 4 name:
9 10 gender: M F

D description: color _ _ _ _ _ _ item _ _ _ _ __


Minidialogue 5 name:
gender: M F

description: color _ _ _ _ _ _ item _ _ _ _ __

Minidialogue 6 name:
gender: M F

description: color _ _ _ _ _ _ iten1 _ _ _ _ __

Answers given i11 class.

-Vocabulary Review Vocabulary covered in this lesson is on pages 38-40.

* Ben uses a form of the sign for "yellow" that is different from the
form you may have learned in class. This modified form indicates
a person with "blond hair."

H OM EW ORK 1 :8 2 7


-- e " . •. , • . . ~- . .. .. .."" . . ... .. . .


To describe the placement of a shape. name. number. or letter
inside. above. or below a shape. follow this sequence:
• trace the shape with both index fingers.
• use your index finger to indicate where to place or locate the

secondary item.
• your head. eye gaze. and index fingers should work together to

indicate where the second and third items are to be placed.

Inside, Above, and Below

David describes the drawings below. Observe how he uses his head.
face. eyes. and hands to describe the placement of the number 7.

7 Notice h ow David:

• looks at the diamond shape as he traces it
• holds the reference point of the diamond with his non-dominant

• raises his head and glance above the diamond
• with raised brows. taps to indicate where to place the .. 7"

Notice h ow David:
• glances and leans head towards the inside of the diamond
• with raised brows. taps. then signs .. 7" inside the diamond

Notice how David:
• lowers his head down and glances below the diamond
• with raised brows. taps. then signs .. 7" below the diamond



Notice how David:
· uses the ame technique for locating lhe circle and the" 7" in ide

the diamond


Practice describing the placement of the number "7" in each of
the shapes above.

See and Draw

Draw in the boxes what David and Michelle describe on the video.
Do not stop the video until David or Michelle completes each
description and draw from memory. View the descriptions again
to fill in what you missed.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

· Assignment Answers are given in class.

Practice the descriptions in boxes 1, 3, and 6. Be prepared to show
them in class.



. ., . -' .f


When giving simple commands to a person for actions involving
the body, make your signs firmer and slightly bigger.

° Commands 1-3

Watch Joey give the three commands below. Observe him making
the signs firmly.
1. 2. 3.


When giving commands for actions involving objects. not only do
you make your signs firmer and slightly bigger. you should raise
your brows when naming the object.

Commands 4-6

Watch Joey give three commands involving objects.
Observe him raising his brows when naming the object in the
beginning of the command.
4. 5. 6.

V~cabulary Review Vocabulary covered in this lesson is on pages 41-42.




David, Ben or Michelle sign two signs or phrases that may be the same or different. Circle
either "S" for same or "D" for different. If different, indicate what part of the signs or
phrases is di fferent by circling "shape," "name," "sign," or "number. "

Same Different If different, tell what is different.

1. s D shape name sign number
2. s D shape name sign number
3. s D shape name sign number
4. s D shape name sign number
5. s D shape name sign number
6. s D shape name sign number
7. s D shape name sign number
8. s D shape name sign number
9. s D shape name sign number
10. s D shape name sign number
11. s D shape name sign number
12. s D shape name sign number
13. s D shape name sign number
14. s D shape name sign number
15. s D shape name sign number
16. s D shape name sign number
17. s D shape name sign number
18. s D shape name sign number

Answers 011 page 400.

HOMEWORK 1: 1 1 31


Do as instructed by Joey, Cinnie, or Tyrone.

1. 2.

4 . 5. 6 .

7. 8. 9.

10. 11 . 12.

A11swers are given in class.


CHERI SMITH, ELLA MAE LENTZ, KEN MIKOS - Signing Naturally_ [Student Workbook, Units 1-6]-Dawnsign Press (2008) - Flip eBook Pages 1-50 (2024)


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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.